People are awesome-300 violin orchestra- Mind Heis stgreat1998 — November 14, 2019 22 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Spread The Viralist source Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
No he didn't walk on water. There is a wood platform just beneath the surface of the water that he is running on.
this video is waaaaay too dramatic
The razor scooter double backflip at 1:40 ?
0:46 wooow
1:56 its nowhere near to awesomeness
music an video editing arent done up well…. i mean video doesnt match with the beat….!
3:50 daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!
—> What the Fuck !!!At 0:47 there was a board under them, trust me I know.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing!
No hockey?
You have to watch this so good
Which is, of course, the only possible explanation.
No, it's been exposed as a hoax.
It looked cool but you can tell its shallow water.
What's thee second song
No he didn't walk on water. There is a wood platform just beneath the surface of the water that he is running on.
This video is badass
0:47 Jesus
Or it was just shallow.
Did that guy really walk on water!