The best scary videos from the internet. The scariest ghosts caught on camera footage from paranormal websites.
Music by Kevin MacLeod
The best scary videos from the internet. The scariest ghosts caught on camera footage from paranormal websites.
Music by Kevin MacLeod
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Nukes Voice : it true or is it just an elaborated hoax ! U decide
Me :come on Nuke I cant wait for u to post another creepy vid
Who elze wanna Nuke to start making 20 or more minute videos
Come on Nuke Just need some popCornz
And soda
I am not scared to the video, I was shocked because of the fvcking sound effect hahahahahah
um, this is probably as close to this portal they call "Dark Web" or a marilyn manson video lol..
underpants gnome
The baby has been GMoMeD
0:20 that's from attack the block 2011 awesomr
Oh hall noooooooo
The fuk the first one scared me a lot
I'm wondering about the first one…Where can i find the original tape? Can you share the website link? Thank you a lot 🙂
If that gnome was in my house I would get a broom and slap the floor everywhere
I like your voice can you show your face please
Your so close to 1M dude good work with that
You said no jumpscares. The first one scared the shit outta me with the sudden noise
that´s ant-man
On the first one when the little girl was next to him I jumped
274 people shit them selfs and thumbs down
low quality is an understatement…
Jesus Christ ! that first Video made me jump
i'm on the second one and i hear some noise like URFGH outside my door
Damn karma…..XD