Jack and Geoff rock out to Fails of the Weak Volume 20. This week there are spills, chills, thrills, grills and more! Enjoy! Join FIRST to watch episodes early: http://bit.ly/2wf5zPJ
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The funniest and wackiest fails every week.
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Fails of the Weak: Ep. 20 – Funny Halo 4 Bloopers and Screw Ups! | Rooster Teeth
2:17 That laugh though
I have a feeling that Geoff says "That's possibly the funniest sh*t I've ever seen in my entire life" in every single Fails of the Weak.
Protect me cone!
I just realized they spelled week wrong
Everyone send them fails let’s bring it back
I miss this show..and these guys so much.
2019 and this is still great
sees comments that say 3 years HAHAHAHA FOOLISG MORTALS I AM WATCHING THIS IN 2019
The Dallas lineman was Leon Lett?
2018 and Geoff's laugh is still the best in the series
Oh the memory's
I think it's a banshee
2:05 is probably my favorite part of this series mostly because of Geoff's laugh. I miss fails
Jack the flying vehicles you call ghosts are not ghosts, they're banshees.
2:13 Team Rocket's blasting off again!
Six years later, Geoff’s laugh is still amazing
The Dallas guy was Leon Lett
It took me till 2017 to realise that Jack and Geoff were there real names, a while back I thought it was Griff and another red commentating on halo reach fails ??
that wus me at the last one
ghost? you mean falcon?
I miss fails of the week
I don't know what's funnier the fails or the hots reactions to the fails
Gonna miss Geoff's iconic laugh
Excuse me sir this is your stop
Halo 4 didn't come out for another year
Geoff has the greatest laugh ever.
2:14 after not watching this video in like 2 years and not hearing that laugh, hearing it again was incredible
Is it a spider? Get it off!
this is reach…
And on this day I realized tofu drifter86 was a reference to Initial D.
U suk
I miss this halo show
I was on halo 5 campaign and warden eternal jumped of the cliff on legendary difficulty lol
What was the map for that last clip?
he said ghost for banshee OMG!!!!!!
2:46 Is this one in the compilation?
player= ghost=ghost
you= ghost=banshee
5 years later and I still watching this video because Geoff's laugh cures cancer.
0:33 whoever said "you can't hit what you can't see." had no idea what they were talking about.
im MRXBOXER Holy Crap I went Flying when the ghost hit that rock 2:12
2:14 – wow! that guy almost skyrocketed to that arc in the sky. LMAO
'Is that a spider?' Rvb reference