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I’ve seen this Circus few years ago in Gandhi Maidan, Bongaigaon, Assam. It was really a breath-catching moment.
It works due to Centripetal force. As long as the car or bike is moving above a certain speed (determined by the diameter of the well) it will not fall off.
Once the motorbike has attained the right momentum, you are free to lie back on the seat. Maintaining the balance, they take hands off the handle. Or, salute the audience.
Centripetal force is defined as a force which keeps a body moving with a uniform speed along a circular path and is directed along the radius towards the center.
I remember the time when I was a kid in Greece in the 60s my father used to take me to watch the wall of death whenever there was a carnival and my mother would wait for us outside the tent because she couldn't bear to watch it!..I also remember a picture that was hanging at the entrance to the tent draped in black ribbons of a motorcyclist who was killed!..But most of all I will never forget the FIAT going around the barrel in the dark with just its headlights on and the driver would have his wife and children with him inside that car…That was totally freaky!
People who are falling or meeting with an accident are not guided properly how to save their lives. Most of them fall unconscious without making any attempt to jump/save their lives. this is called taking birth in a Public Limited company of death with a very small salary. Neither anybody is wearing an Helmet… Plz dont play with life…. your parents have not fucked and delivered you'll for this kind of life.
Very Nice
Such acts should be banned
Good job
?? zindagi mein kitna risk lete hain. paisa kya nahi krne pe majbur karta hai. bhagwan sabki raksha kare… ??
Very good music for this kinnda video ?
Nice work…
ყტჯჰჯრტ ტჰრტჰ
wow super
very good
very good
wow amazing