Magic Tricks that completely failed and went wrong. These 10 magic tricks failed miserably and hopefully they don’t happen again.
Deleted VanossGaming Videos YOU WONT BELIEVE EXIST https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R18FgSuuHnQ
10 People Who Caught Luck Last Second https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaxLGz0sGyQ
10 YouTubers Who Used To Be in VanossGaming Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4jg_ANjrxw
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i can’t be a host i won’t be
The finger is gone ??
Muggles, I appreciate the trying- but I think you guys are not.. wizards
The top 1st was made in new Brunswick I was there?
This is too dangerous to do as they are gonna drown
The circus guy trying to show people this is how to WWF, for real!!
2:45 his last name is 'shirk', the greatest and only sin that may not be forgiven in Islam… And he was attempting to bury himself alive. I have no questions on why he dies doing that.
Bad knife
4:42 OMG! I want there but not on that day it was in manterster because it looked like the one I went to
Thats why people says "look for the signs someone is getting your attention before it's too late."
The guy that caught the blade of the knife: HA. HA. HA. HA. HA.
Me if that happened to me: *screams so loud the world can hear
Thumbnail is a movie called now you see me
1:00 usually they don't actually throw the knifes.
Polish and magic …ahahaha no wonder she got spiked…
magician doesn't care
Its polish ty im polish
This is so hard to wach omg if you agree click the like and if not
Quiere agua invesil
5:35 that’s in Amsterdam, Netherlands
What a idiant
Your fired!
TRUMP 2020
Wtf up with the second one no one else was doing shot just staring at him trying to save this girls life?
8:35 Really? Someone laughing?
The nr 10 guy has about 50% fail rate. I've seen many of his performances. He should put away the knives.
This is for the people in the future to See
Whoever the guy is that laughed when the girl was literally drowning in the box while also having a seizure is disrespectful. I’m not sure how that was funny.
I mean like,I haven’t been to a talent or magic show but I do watch talent shows on TV
Number 4
eyeyeyeyey hahahahahahah
fn idiots
just play a video game
whiles he hurt
man : theyre he is ladies and gentlemen
From four horsemen
is a movie
well im glad that guy survived at the last video
me: yay he survived!
audience: whpoooo clap clap clap
At least nobody did that trick where you flatten a bag with a knife in it
Who in the fuck is going to get in a tank knowing they get seizures it can happen any time …
Very entertaining
Me watches a man getting his hand stabbed by a knife
That’s why your not a magician
Bill Shirk Still Alive
The thumbnail lol that’s how water works
Sedih bngtt ga ngerti dia ngmng apaan?
#2, anyone hear that one single guy laughing while she drowns?
Number 7
Number 2 u should let the whole video run
2:40 he lived lol.
Who's here in 2019? Like if you are.
I don’t get why people torture themselves