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1:21 skip !!
"his names not maple chicken though" how do you forget your own show? the name is the submitter, the pic is who we're watching.. lol
Rewatched 4:45 at least 10 times before moving on
4:14 Wait, I'm seeing a LOT of new abilities like this. Why can tree man just keep spamming sprout? What? Is that guy cheating? Or is DotA actually trying to shoot itself in the foot now?
Fails of the week everymonth. ?
Ready for the episode
Hmmmm I wonder why fails of the decade doesn't get as many views as consistently daily Dotawatafak
One of the best episodes
slacks did anyone told that you look like chris pratt without his beard
Again so much talk
Bot TI
Regarding the failing enigma blackhole
I guess it is because of Queue-Quickcast that he might mispress the tele first, and then proceed to do the blackhole.
But idk mate, it is my opinion though.
1:22 that was great LMAO!
7:40 No one pick clinkz? AHAHA
3:38 the new suns-nugget picture… threw me off…
11:23 End!
stoped playing dota 2 like a year and a half but i'll never stop watching and loving you guys
plus the intros keep me coming every "week" but seriously i love them. never stop being awesome
I live for the casual surprised tone 4:40
there are bad void players and then there's this guy on his own level
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it's just not the same without reeves. sigh
Day 271 without sex : i submitted a fail to this channel just so i can hear someone scream my name
4:37 no wonder ure 4k mmr
this is the best episode in a long time lmao so much stupidity
That drow riki tp out clip… Drow used silence and pushed riki out of the ice path aoe radius. Ice path would hit otherwise.
Fails of the world cup. But you don't know what that is.