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Video Credit sezarsanctuary
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Rescue a Poor Dog in The rain Unsuccess ! dog rescue sad stories :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXYwDYYseo8
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#animalrescue, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
Thenk you.
Grazie bella gente ??
This guy runs a shelter, he means well and takes very good care of his dogs! Just wish he would use English subtitles! But he is a very good and kind man!!
Jose luis Fco. M. Gutierrez Treviño
Siempre que veo este programa de " Rescue An Abandone Dog " no existe idioma o nacionalidad para ayudar a cualquier animal y eso me reconforta en saber que todavia habemos seres humanos con sentimientos muy profundos. He dicho
Obrigada por cuidar desse lindo cachorro q nós dar amor
Este video no es de animal rescue, sino de Sezar sanctuary …y el animal fue dejado allí por su dueño, lo explica muy bien el dueño del Santuario, Hossein..y le recrimina al dueño por haberlo dejado allí abandono bajo el frío y la lluvia…no os marqueis goles que no merecéis.. animal rescue..???
Did the dog get trapped by itself or was he left there on purpose, out of sight just to die alone with no hope of survival at all ?? I´m happy he´s rescued and will be safe and well treated for the rest of his life…….Dogs are a blessing to humans and should always be treated as such………..thank you for giving the poor dog warmth and care.
Thanks Guys for saving dog and Guys your work is really important and beautiful????????????????????????
Lucky charms getting him your family and love
You're great sir good job
How much lovely you caring the poor puppy don't angry please take care of him and give him lots of happiness and love
I'm Love this video so much you so much heard working peirson you getting rescue The poor baby is sooooooo much beautiful and sweet and cute you are so much angry I appreciate but until then take care of him and give him lots of happiness and love thanks again for your help t
Jak można tak traktować zwierzątka które czują ból głód pragnienie oraz potrafią kochać i być wiernymi przyjaciółmi co za bestie bez serca bez rozumu i ogóle takie gady nie powinny chodzić po ziemi Wielkie podziękowania dla dobroczyńców i wybawcòw tych biednych małych zwierzątek jeszcze raz bardzo bardzo dziękuję miłego dnia pozdrawiam❤???❤??????????????????❤❤❤❤❤??????????
Hermosa… pero está con mucho miedo ???????
?????.Спасибо вам ❤❤❤
Merece CARCEL ese humano que tenía amarrado el perrito, mil GRACIAS por rescatar a éste ANGELITO!?????????????????
Poor dog innocent stop abbandoned stop abused thank You Angels ????❤❤❤❤??????
This is sezer from iran so why you showing it ???
Thak you????❤️❤️❤️?????
Oh thank YOU. That baby was so scared.?????
??????❤??? Спасибо !!!??????
Look for❗️ SEZAR sanctuary ❗️he is de real rescuer! THANK YOU HOESEIN?? There you can read what really happend. Bad People left de dog there?
Ich bin so glücklich – daß es so tierliebende Menschen – die helfen – überall gibt ?
Thank you ???
Ojala no muestren solo su rescate también queremos ver si la vida le cambio y ya nunca mas sufrirá