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oh, i miss reaves.
Whyyy doesnt he kill the wolvies? just why?
At the end, you realize how boring fails of the week would be without commentators.
Sunsfan at start. the fuck?
*outworld devourer
Can someone please explain to me why people haven't all just got adblocker? Never have ads again. Problem is that you don't support the youtubers perhaps.
That's why you need ranged hero's !
Wow my buddy Godric was in there xD
"Ah, there they are… now it's a good old gangbang-I heard Templar Assassin really likes those."
wut did he said ?
u should lol
I'm sorry… but that touching cheerios commercial that's 30 sec long, is getting annoying the 200th time around, and it's EVERYWHERE!
He said something like "Wtf are these fat gays.. just play the fails.."
I was playing that Pudge at 2:50 ahahaah. I feel so bad right now :/
he said "This video is awesome but sound effect by 2 fat gay, it's extremely BAD!!"
What did he say?
Such an awesome comment! xD
I want to fail I'm to swagfull
dude, he specifaclly sent it to FAILS.. FAILS
these seconds i spend to read words of
that moment u.e
Burned so much by a guy that got unstopable like xD
Myth: Can you Skewer and Sonic Wave in the same direction to do more damage?
The tip at the beginning is wrong, it's every 10 years every atom in your body has been replaced.
Just blame the fat guys of course
that fact at the start is making me feel borderline completely worthless… idk… im not even me later on… nothing special here… sigh…
0:03 :xD HAHAH
WHAEEEE,MY NICK IS Equinox but its not i…PLAGIAT!!!
Actually timbersaw hates trees because magic plants grew and annihilated everyone and thing he knew, permanently scarring him. But your thing was close
its name is outworld devourer noobs
At 3:49, how did you not notice that Neil was on the Pugna?
Haha these fails are the best