Top 10 Mysterious & Scariest Things Caught On CCTV Camera
It’s amazing what people catch on camera these days. Sometimes, you’re out minding your own business and you end up catching something fascinating on tape. Whether, it’s scary creatures, or strange mutant animals & sometimes mysterious things caught on camera. But sometimes people catch some very scary and unexplained things on their Cameras. In today’s video, we’ll count down Top 10 Mysterious & Scariest Things Caught On CCTV Camera | Most Unexplained Videos
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And eating BONEERS
I believe in the supernatural
Suck my mysterious and scary cock!!!!
There are all kinds of white squirrels in Ohio usa
The computer voice has the worst pronunciation I’ve ever heard
WOW, the dude W/all the dogs! "RIDEON MAN" I guess he made it his life to help them, N that's Love! Cuz if this is a rotten world?
It's only cuz we make it this way !!!
We have Groot as the thumbnail
Thats good
I would of shot the clown then fucked the clown in the ass!!
In Kentucky you will see albino squirrels all the time
I wish more than anything ever that there were more people out there that cared about animals like this guy God bless him wherever he came from he is an angel that is the best story I've ever seen as far as dog rescues go
??? I thought he said "I'll be no squirrel " ??????
was that a dragon in Ocean?
Amazing artist what do small figures of humans on canvas and the man who rescues dogs in Mexico it's so amazing that somebody loves animals and cares for them God bless them. ?
Nice voice ruining the video can’t pronounce words right
My mom had Albino squirrel in her back yard
Need live narrator
TALK , TALK , TALK = HELLO Video Voice from Machine = QUIET Please = Ramble On And Ramble More Computer Voice ?
Seen 4. In 2 years.
We have albino squirrels here in st paul minnesota usa.
Could you have possibly got a more annoying computerized voice for this video? Seriously, it's so bad, I muted the video just to watch it. Might think about finding a narrator, or doing it yourself.
Albeeno sacweral
Snacking on bonius
Can't take the video seriously with that voice.
99% of things like these very large dragon like creatures are projected Holograms the moisture and clouds made a perfect backdrop for it' Project Blue beam Holograms' The shadow Deep state Government are doing this as a precursor to the Fake Alien Invasion' coming to a state town country near you' they need to be stopped before the cause people to get hurt, but that's what they want death much of it'
I seen a white squirrel before cool!!
Where can i send cash too the guy who cares for all them dogs
The "Hydra creature" is from an old Japanese movie about, "Gidrah". Lol. I think he was fighting Godzilla,
Sorry to say this, but Your voice is very strange and annoying
Awsome Video!
Hi lack ass hole
Click baited
Very dissapointed!! Click bait only. I expected better! Cancelling my subscription!
A good 44magnun round to the head will fix that clown real quick!
Well, at least the Albino Squirrel was real.
Fake monster…
God I hate the voice on this it drives me nuts..
the voice kills the video
So, if the dog dude s** in floor. Does he get his nose rubbed in it & thrown outside?
Now that there's CCTV everywhere you'd freak at what's captured by them. I'm having trouble believing the clip about the huge tentecled creature out at sea. That's CGI.
3 headed monster is on the bible