Rescued chimps Jody, Missy, and Annie were having a big play session. Chimpanzees are so similar to humans in so many ways. However, their play may be a little different than how we humans play. To learn more about the Missy, Annie, Jody, and the rest of their chimp friends follow us at ChimpsNW.org
How they play in the wild is not much different, the setting of course but i am learning that chimps are highly adaptable and as long as they have another chimp around they can make any situation work. It's wonderful how their situation can change like in the case of these guys and you can tell how much they appreciate it just by watching them, I'm head over heels for Chimps and if i don't end up working with them i will never be truly complete.
Have yall ever thought of doing a live stream? You could stream for a certain amount of time and i know it is something i would pay to see, and it could help financially! I have a feeling alot of people like me would enjoy it and have no problem for paying for it. They have become family that we have never met, and i for one, wait everyday for a video. It's just an idea!
А где хозяин зелёного сапога?
They just playin…but if u put human in there now they gonna ripe ure balls and face off
I'm always amazed by how gentle they are.
These girlies crack me up!
Even when you're chimp it's still not ok to put people's toes in your mouth! I don't know any person that would let a chimp put their toes in it's mouth.
Thank u for the Fantastic work u guys do ????? ?
When you think of the full scope of their strength.. and how gently they play/wrestle with each other ? but..I'm sure like any other family members that live together some days they probably want to kick each other's butts!! ?
Great video,just wish people could enjoy as much as they do!!!!!!!!
Merci ? For that good & fun video. Big hugs 2 those cute monkeys ?
Do any of you caregivers ever physically interact with the chimps?!
I see poop on the floor – do they just go anywhere when they have to go, or are they like dogs/cats and have a designated area that is away from the rest of their play area?
Once I tried to put my friends foot in my mouth but she said no……….?
Great to see the girls playing… How is Neggie??, I miss seeing her..
They’re so beautiful.
Love seeing what you guys do to save these chimps and help them lead happy playful lives.. Thank you for all that you do for these amazing creatures
Question : does their communication differentiates by wild chimps ? i observed a semi wild group and they did appear a bit more " scripted " ..can these rescues get their social skills back ? btw , i love seeing them enjoy and play fight
I have a question! Do the new members of the family have favorites yet, like Jamie with her boots? And are their individual personalities finally able to materialize, since they are not in a constant stress environment?
These beautiful creatures deserve every good thing that can be given to them! Thank you for loving and protecting them!!
I loved this fascinating video ??