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So this is where u start your start up intro
3:05 Why is Pugna's name censored? o.O
The last of Roshan makes me laugh so hard 😀
Is it just me, or is Reave's voice like broken in the outro? (in the beginning of it)
roshan part is really funny 😀
1:15 – пиздец меня такие бесят рубики – хуюбики
is neil mentally retarded? And why the HELL are they RUNNING ON NAPALM?
i laughed so hard at the last roshan part
Reaves: Where did Magebane go? lol magebane.. you play hon also lol
Haha magebane
3:05 Why was Pugna's name blurred?
pony power
Rarity is best Sand King.
If this was LoL, the first clip would've made it to top 5 plays.
Actually I chose not to watch it. About two minutes in I cut it off. And wrote the comment and left. And i have no intentions of watching anymore of their "Fails" videos. Since i'm sure it's pretty much the same thing.
uh, mute it? you can choose not to listen you know.
Wow this was….boring. I much rather would have preferred music instead of commentary. The commentary actually makes it less funny.
Get your shit together Tyrone.
Holy shit. Unicorns can really play dota. I always knew Rarity was mlg…
I was once chasing a slardar…he DROPPED his blink dagger. WHAT THE FUCK?!
read top comment lol
Faceless Void is unaffected by enemy Chronospheres.
Rubick cant move in any chronosphere…in other hand, Void can…
Rubick and Void only can move in their own chronospheres.
Rubick can move only in chronosphere that he stole.
Rubick can only move in the chronosphere that he stole but faceless can move in both his and rubick's chronosphere
Rubick can't move in chronosphere only void…
excuse be occupying the time but wanted to ask you to subscribe on my channel, I make video gameplay Dota 2, I'm new and needed support guys, if not all goes well, thank you very much, thank you cooperation.