After being in the shelter for about a month, Benny the Dog was finally adopted by his new family. As he did his “Freedom Walk” through the halls of the shelter, Benny jumped up and down in pure excitement of finally going home.
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Now comes the hard part, teaching him to heel.?
Can I adopt every dog please????
I wish you a long and happy life Benny.
You deserve it sweet pup.
This was so touching to watch. He was so happy to get away from all that noise that he was running. I think he was telling the other dogs "Adios amigos"
That was soooo freaking cute…???☺☺☺???????
Poor dogs..
He is beautiful
Rescue dogs are a pain in the ass.
This video brought tears to my eyes. Our adopted Indie looks so much like Benny. So happy and cute. Adopt and make a difference for you and the doggy.
dog be like.-apna time aayega
Please close this gate. Leaves it open ?
112 trolling idiots.
I feel so bad because today I had to put my dog up for adoption because she was very ill and we didn't have enough money so they took her treated her with shots and put her up for adoption.Am I a bad person?? I thought it would help her…
Я рад за Бенни, радость, которая наконец-то обрела дом, по-настоящему заразительна.
просто собаку впервые за много дней вывели на прогулку. Отсюда и такая реакция..Ни о каком обретенном доме пес и не подозревает пока..просто наслаждается прогулкой на открытом пространстве после заточения .
What a sweet creature
Omg so handsome ? I adopted both of my babies. They were both so happy like this!
Wassup with the dislikes ppl just love that button there should be no dislikes
dang he be flexing on the other dogs.
so good rescuing dogs life
Hello, how are you? my name is Lucia,I work in an Argentine film production company, we want to know if there is the possibility of paying you the rights of one of your videos for an advertisement. If you were interested, please let me know so we shared with you. thank you very much.
that is awesome!! we just adopted a dog that could be his twin. glad he is getting a good home.
Excited? Looks like he thought you were going to take him to be murdered like all his buddies who didn't get adopted within a week or however long you keep them before you slaughter them.
And Benny’s brother Robert the pitbull was killed the next day for not being adopted on time
He now has a home …..