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Sunsfan… u just freakd me out soooo hard damn lol… there was no one in my house i turn the computer on… and your "uhhhhH!" at the beginning of the vid just scared me x_X
u guys dont know Ezio's catch phrase?
nice.. the animation is so perfect…
That Neil is complete mess. Its not even funny, pure noobism
Padaran Buruwmastur!!!!
i was raped by a blessing?
I will same you scorpion awwwww!!!!! XD
Oh no I meant the magnus one, it was a great play imo.
0.5 second dismember, missed hook, and could've had a lot of time to tp.
Why is the last clip on fails?
4:08, don't you people play Assassin's Creed? Lol
im was the void at the first clip! Yeah… Wait…Fuck!
Did anyone hear the funny laughter at 3:25?? So funny and it's probably Neil
Requiscat in Pace?? Does it mean Rest in Peace?
Tidehunter always will try to kill Kunka, even when they are on the same team.
Tide: Kunkka! I will kill you even if we are in the same team!
It's also Italian
it ''en'' not ''in''
exactly, I get that you don't know scoia'tael (witcher) but this?
Ok, sorry for my ignorance and complete hopelessness but what system requirements do you need for Dota 2 to look like what is seen in the video above? I know what I have now to play it on my PC isn't great at all playable and satisfactory but not great. I don't want satisfactory I would like it to look like it should…
Wat the… what happened
that am illusion… wtf with all the ults……
That's latin. No one needs your shitty AC just to know latin.