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Join Devotte, a gorilla caregiver, for a fun tickle session with baby Lulingu. Lulingu was saved by the Gorilla Rehabilitation and Conservation Education Center (GRACE), the world’s only sanctuary for Grauer’s gorillas, a Critically Endangered ape that only lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Poaching has brought gorillas to the brink of extinction but GRACE is giving them hope. Stay tuned for this story coming soon.
For more information visit: http://gracegorillas.org/
Shot 100% on GoPro – https://goo.gl/J9QxWM
Mounts used in this video – https://goo.gl/95qbRQ
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William Ryan Fritch
“Lauren’s Love”
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И не отличить)))
Thank you for protecting these species. Those poachers are pure evil.
Super cute… but could break your arm and beat you with it at this age
Прикольный бибизян
Wouldn’t it be nice if they stayed that small?
Looks just like a regular black kid only with better behaviour
Looks just like me when tickled.
I think I just found a new euphemism for pleasuring myself: ‘Now if you folks will excuse me, I’m gonna go home and tickle the gorilla…’
Jokes aside, great video!
Why aren't we closer to these creatures then we are? That was straight up a human reaction, then it looked like the baby gorilla attempted to tickle her back for a second- a clear sign of intelligence.
you tickle a gorilla like that some years later it'll rip your face and arms off
At first he was pinchin it’s nipples to make it laugh?
Aches my heart to see how many animals are going to be extinct because of humans ?
the most adorable thing
I love animals way more than humans,…
Poachers are the most vile monsters to ever live in this world, I would love to hunt them all and also hunt the monsters that are paying them and making this a business.
819 heartless ass holes.. how can they even dislike this cutest thing..
This is just one of those videos that will brighten your day instantly ?
I wanna work here
0:26 "stop it already i'm ticklish hooman"
What creature doesn't like a friendly tickle among friends.
This is actually really sad. After filming this Lulingu(the baby gorilla) attacked, and killed a caretaker, and seriously injured two others. She was later euthanized.
Humans are earth's guardians. Few realize it. Most never.
Poachers disliked this video
видео норм. только ничего непонятно
Hi babies
Wait till I get my fangs in you, hooman