This is Narwhal, a rescue puppy that has a tail-like appendage growing from his forehead.
Narwhal was rescued in early November, and sent to Mac’s Mission in Jackson, Missouri, which specializes in fostering animals with special needs.
Mac’s Mission founder Rochelle Steffen says Narwhal does not notice the second tail and is otherwise a happy, healthy puppy.
Since the puppy’s pictures hit social media, Mac’s Mission has been flooded with adoption requests. However, Narwhal will stay at the mission so his caretakers can be sure the tail does not grow out of proportion to his face and cause problems. (AP)
I believe that the puppy has that tail because when the puppy was in the womb of its mother, her cells went through an incomplete process of mitosis. She was going to be a twin, but ended up absorbing her twin- incompletely- leaving the rest of the twins tail in her forehead. This happens to people too, but these cases are very rare. (Correct me if I'm wrong, I was just going off of what I remember from bio class)
It's a unicorn dog
Make sure you get the t-shirt http://www.redbubble.com/people/sublimy99/works/42530565-narwhal-the-unicorn-puppy?p=womens-fitted-v-neck&asc=u
I wish the tail on Narwhal wags that would be so cute!!
Muito fôfo *Anjinho* dê à ele todo amor e assitencia com muito carinho que ele nessecita Deus e Jesus tem uma missao em sua vida ?
I see a healthy puppy behaving like a healthy puppy. The something extra doesn't seem to bother him, and he's gonna be someone's best buddy for life.
Oh you people are so wonderful for helping the animals that so desperately need it. Thankyou.
How? ?
This Is Why We Can Not Allow 5g Technology….Too Much Radio Activity…
I though it was gonna wag
This dog is an abomination and must be destroyed.
If they didn't name this guy some kind of unicorn pun, they have failed as lifeforms.
As if dogs weren't already way to cute anyways.
Reminds me of the movie Wag the Dog
A unicorn pup
If only it could wag that tail!
Thank god it doesn’t wag?
Omg I’ve never seen such a thing
Cutest little buttface ever
where did the dna modification came from lol radioactive merikkka or mad gmo
Tech, towers, microwaves all bringing good things to no living creature. Life was better without it.
seems like a hazard. if it can be cut off it should be. cute pup still the same.