Because of the folly of people such terrible accidents happen
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Optimization (NOT TO READ): train engineer, trains, people vs trains, locomotive, train accidents, train crash, cctv footage, crash, crashes, smash, railroad, railway, level crossing, cars, trucks, pedestrians, fail, win, fail army, close calls, near death, shocking, dangerous, high speed, transportation, highway, devastation, destruction, risk, tracks, steel rails, explosion, railroad crossing, lucky people, epic fail, sports, entertainment, fails, best, moments, road, touching, affecting, horrible, terrible, fear, shock, power, bang, schlägt fehl, züge, straße, berühren, schrecklich, schock, gefahr, macht, accident, worst train accident, indian’s train, indian rail, must, watch, indian railway, worst, largest network, historical, train, train accident, accident videos, shocking videos, videos, truck crash, car crash, dash cam, train videos, dash camera, road accident, top train accidents videos, live train accidents, best train crash compilation, horrible train accidents, horrible train crashes, train accidents in india real
These people are so stupid not to see the train coming
stiation master ra duty kore na gaja khay ?
Omg get out of this fucking train way
2:38 bye bye load
i dont care about car
i dont care about money
i dont care about things in the car
i just care about that if there was kid in some of those cars (hope not)
first one, light engine? he hit that purposely.
There must be some type of alarming system in the train if there is any objects in its way.Like beeping in aeroplane if there is any objects on its way. Then only we can avoid such accident
Those drunk drivers are the most idiot person
Poor car
1:44 this idiot deserves to die
Chalta hi nahi
1:10 heritage unit hits a truck
Is this mental vehicles
It was perfect till 02:00. Then some idiot add the music. Have a nice dislike!
abe chutiye foregn india se bhot aage he gadi m cctv camera laga hota he
Alweer muziek
Achcha ye bataiye ghatana sthal par aap camera lekar khada rahate hai????????