The Bowerbird puts on a show to impress the female but will it be good enough? Taken from Life Story.
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He looks like a mango omg?
Oh :'(
Yea the next time my husband wants some, ima tell him he's gotta paint himself red and yellow and flap one arm
The voices or sound of our nature
When you about to nut @3:19 and then when you nut @3:25 and come back to your senses.
Lemme smaesh
This Bower bird looks very different from the Australian ones. They are two related species right? Or is it convergent evolution?
Imagine if you could dilate your pupils like that manually.
He was so serious, I love that bird, she got served that is why she dipped
My boy got cucked
Can we get an F in the chat boys
Lol omg how it ends! Poor dude!!
So, Ben showed up and stole the lady from our guy. Ben is such a hoe.
I've tried these few months ago and now I'm married. Powerful moves.
3:24 when her husband catches you and you're trying to mimic a statue
Never pay attention to the distractions. Carry on soldier!! As they say..he who hesitates is lost!
Anybody else here because of Jordan Peterson?
Isn’t that that thing where they like do that arm moving across your neck like “ OFF WITH YOUR HEAD! “
Imagine looking through your window and seeing this sht goin on in your backyard
Those facial expressions say it all
The colors on these birds!
Male Bird: Slaps butt with wing.
Female Bird: …
Man: It SeEmS He NeEdS To Do MoRe!
still got friendzoned
Definitely a transformer
Video of some Bowerbirds in our backyard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU35xcEl73o&t=61s
Even the birb world has Chad's ??
Ohh noo?? his rival ruin all the hard work ???
We think this is strange, meanwhile us humans are twerking and shit.
My life !!!! ?
The editor made the bird sigh at the end. Nice.
That´s the animal where the German nationalflag is coming from…
That birds got more game than me!
male bird = hang, glitch, stroke, dance
female bird = saw another bird, the moment has gone.
male bird = fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu………………..
birds are actually descendants of dinosaurs.. when i see such bizarre and amazing stuff like this it makes me wonder what stuff did those dinosaurs did back then to impress their ladies.. we will never know