Rescue Poor Puppy was Abandoned Bitten by Big Dog broken spinal & pelvis fracture | Sad Story
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litlle baby hit by a car or thrown from a car and then bitten by dogs with broken spinal and pelvis fracture left me few minutes ago ??I just cannot believe and I feel so down …
She had swollen tummy and cried all night …she slept with me almoust in the morning maybe 2 hours . I didnt knew how to help her and I was afraid she cannot pee…
The vet tried to pus slowly on bladder h to see if pee comes out but nothing.He said is lot a good sign…
She started to vomite 4 times was the food from yesterday…
Then was not so well and became weack …Than hardly breathing.. The vet tried to give her oxygen mouth to mouth and I massaged her chest..
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More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
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#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
Im am criying, ?????
Sorry sweet angel ????
The humans are the most terruble monster ?
But now you are fine???♥️
Does anyone know why the puppy died? Is it due to her not able to have bowel movements?
What a sweet baby
Нафиг усыплять жила бы
Thats why I dont have faith in humans ??
Малыш ну как же так???????
Cagnetti meravigliosi
A pessoa que abandonou esse anjinho a própria sorte, tipo assim se vira ande e se vira é um monstro do CORAÇÃO peludo,gratidão namastê à vocês que o salvaram DEUS os abençoe infinitamente gratidão namastê por tudo 1?❤❤???????
What a beautiful puppy. RIP little girl. The world lost a little bit of love when you passed.
thank you guys
Thankyou for all helper??????????
Guys your work is really good and beautiful?????☘️??
Que dor no coração,por esse pobre bebê abandonado.
Почему не спасли??неужели нельзя было оставить его ползать хотя бы!!?????
Rest in peace now..fly over the rainbow my love..rest in peace..we're very sorry we couldn't get to you in time..?
Poor thing.. felt bad for her
Run free baby fur????
Śpij spokojnie psinko????????????……
?☹ r.i.p baby
Aww that poor puppy too,So heartbreaking and sad too,Ty for recusing the puppy too
RIP little girl! You didn’t deserve this pain at all. This made me cry and I’m really heartbroken
Those fuckers are lucky murder is illegal.
Just a baby ?? and suffering but unless you cared and helped… her latest moments where in the lest pain possible… thank you
Help him
she feel love until her last breth thank you for trying to save her karma will be done who made this to her not now but in the coming future asshole
Que tristeza ???? todo por la negligencia humana gracias por tratar de salvarlo
imagine a small child would be left in such condition
Awww poor baby
Thank you for trying saving this little girl.
Little puppy girl may you born again in other life may happiness with you, may God be with you there always.
È morto? Perché?
Blessings on This Little Nature Angels Forever Soul and Spirit! She'll be back and Reincarnate into a loving Family and Home…AUM…Amen