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We all love him.
I'll never forget how quiet the movie theater was the moment his arc reactor shut off. Nobody cried, nobody gasped, nobody said anything. Everyone stayed quiet for a few moments, maybe to respect Tony. It was crazy
Fine! Go ahead and rip my heart out! It's not like I need it to live!! sobbing
And THAT,…ladies and gents, is why RDJ earns the big bucks
Imagine if Peter Parker then started to yell "Mr. Stark, don't go away. Please, i don't want you to go away. Stay with us. Stay here. I don't want you to go away". It would've been a reversal on Infinity War's ending
A piece of our heart died when the light went out. I know a part of mine did.
(Make sure you hit "Read More")
Infinity War:
Peter: "Mr… Stark I don't feel so good…"
Tony: "No… starts to cry and thinks this is his fault
Peter: "I- I'm sorry" Disappears
Tony: "…"
Tony: "I… Am… Iron Man!" snap
Tony: stumbles over and falls to rest
Peter: Comes swinging in Eyes go huge and runs over
Peter: "Mr Stark? Mr Stark. Hey, hey Mr Stark, we won… you did it sir- you did it… I'm sorry… Tony…" grabs Tony's armor in tears
The 2 things that get me are Pepper tries to stay strong… But she can't, and Peter called Stark tony Like… omg Peter loves him so much! …
Immer wen sich Tony und Peter näher kommen stirbt einer von beiden ?
In der Szene musst ich im Kino echt weinen armer Peter hatt schon zweimal seinen Vater verloren
toniiiii devi vivereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Rhodey be thinking…you should’ve let me nuke these space bastards with the Ex-Wife
"We're ok. You can rest now."
It's so sad ?. Tony was my favorite Avenger. It's all dr.strange's fault. He should have had a gauntlet. REEEEEEEEEEEEEE. The smartest thing would be go back in time again and make someone else have the gauntlet built into their suit. I hope in the future they make a movie of tony coming back to life. Guys,pray for his soul ??
If you didn’t fucking SOB in the theater then you literally do not have a heart, brain, or soul.
It starts getting emotional when Spiderman said " we won"
You can rest now…
The Russo Bros do this shit…guess what, I'm not watching anymore. I'm not letting them hurt me anymore, this is my last Marvel movie unless something changes my mind.
Sadness is not one that consider but this sniff sniff does put a bunch of tears on my face
Dad… Dad c'mon, you gotta get up. Dad. We gotta go home.