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Video Credit sezarsanctuary.org
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#animalrescue, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
Такой милый!!!
Don't know why he wasn't given pain meds? No need for dog to suffer……how would they ( vets) have felt with all that infection, swollen face, fever, etc? Poor baby.. …TY Sezar fur saving!
For those of you who could walk by ANY injured animal?? You have NO SOUL or LOVE in you at ALL!! Bless this man! Sezarsanctuary…….he does what he can with what money he has!! Which is ALOT….. Please check his channel out. Thanks to this channel for bringing awareness to many small rescues that save thousands of dogs/ cats!!
God bless you little brother. And God bless people who loves and helps you. ♥️?♥️?♥️?♥️
Gracias x ayudarle…te pondras bien amiguito????
Wow hope to hear he gets well and adopted. please do and update when this dog gets adopted. plus all who watch this video please adopt and donate to this agency they help medical/food and care for strays, look at this dogs puffy face and then smaller, any one want to adopt this dog and give it a permanent home, he is older but is full of fun and love.
Povero amore indifeso… Grazie infinite per tt quello che fate a questi poveri esserini…..
L'uomo è proprio cattivo…. Come si fa a ridurre così un animale… Vergogna Vergogna vergogna vergogna vergogna
Guys your work is really important and beautiful???????????????
???o my God please healp dogs
thank you aezar poor baby i hate abusers i wish they all have a painfull death and lonely…
Живи, солнышко! Будь счастлив.
Бедное настрадавшееся животное! Выздоравливай малыш! Спасибо вам за помощь!
Thanks & God bless you for saving this BEAUTIFUL, innocent fur baby! I pray that he is free of pain and suffering in Jesus's name!??????
Poor dog???
What didn’t the rescuer get the poor dog the help he needed and deserved? That’s the saddest part!
Grazie bella gente siete grandi ????
Semoga segera sembuh ya dogi….
Dan untuk yang sudah merawatnya terimakasih
How something like that can happen? To cry and cry. And smile at the end. Much joy at the end.
This is so sad this poor boy I can’t believe all these people walk past him and wouldn’t help him
Es hermoso q allá gente maravillosa en el mundo todavía. gracias por ayudar al perrito y darle la oportunidad d seguir viviendo. Q Dios los bendiga
Thank you so much to save the dogs God bless you always !
0mg poor dogs ! Thanks God blessings the dogs ..
Maledetto l'uomo bastardi ma deve venire quel giorno che la pagherete da Dio!
??❤??? Deus abençoe vocês
So very sad that so called people treat their so poorly take those so called people and hang their stupid ass up on a tree and watch them suffer
Бедный малыш! Что же это такое! Как его жаль!
Thank god for people like you, so happy for him, bless your heart.
Los Dueños unos hijodeputa basura hinumano Desalmado esta gente no tiene cultura hinorante Desgraciado grcia RecatistA
Incredibile ???
He must Go to a Vet.Yoy put him on the streets , Alone,again.Not a Nice rescue.
Straight to the vet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hurry up !!!
That poor sweetie!!!! Oh my goodness!!! I could never walk by a suffering animal like that and do nothing! Thank you for rescuing this precious pup ❤️
Delavar wurde von Hosein aufgepäppelt und hatte noch eine gute Zeit im Sanctuary.
Doch leider kann Sezar Sanctuary keine neuen Videos veröffentlichen. Doch die Hilfe für die Tiere geht weiter, und es wird ja auch noch das Hospital gebaut. Schaut euch die Videos an, und vergesst Sezar Sanctuary nicht ???
Seen this dog on cezar santury few years bk…mike brown scammer.