Animals get musical in the pursuit of sex.
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Enough, not all male bird same.
2:51 – 2:58
The strongest indeed will survive…
or mommy's favorites. ?
Boi what a player *face palm*
This is how Dio Brando was born
That bird is a player
The mistress bird's friend is chirping from across the forest like, "Girl I told you he wasn't gonna leave his wife! THEY NEVER DO!!!"
This goes to show you that cheating is ok
Didn't know animals are also cheaters ?
even birds have a side chicks kml?
Lemme smash
next time I see my dad I'll call him "Birdbrain"
The male bird is a deadbeat dad
damn every time i sing to a girl they slap me….then call the cops for rape
lemme s m a s h
Smh lol
I saw the word sex
He did a hit and run smh ?
This is sad.
What a jerk two timing bird
Is this a lesson for humans?
If the chick died and the other living chicks are so hungry, why doesn't the mum feed her chicks the dead chick? Is cannibalism bad for birds?
Wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Men are the worst.
This bird is just like my father
Great video
All birds look like females to me doe
classic male attitude, kudos
this bird a D O G
If I should have to sing for sex I'll be virgin for my whole life 🙂
Supper dupper cute
All creatures in the universe are fascinating.
that dude just wanted to bust a nut …. that wats u do to hoes lol
Same happened with Rock. Most musicians sang in order to get chicks
Let the Pied Flycatcher story be a good example to the bran dead female's, who think of getting someone ells husband to be with them.this will be the result at the end. poor children suffer, end of the game.
Where do birds take their dead chicks anyway? Just away from the nest and drop them somewhere?
I think the toads were better dads.