We’re honored to receive a special feature in the 2020 Guinness World Records book!
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I can't help but laugh looking at these middle-aged people holding records in stuff that an average athlete would blow them away in. Just because they picked the most obscure unknown combination of things to do. "A record for most pineapples sliced with a katana while holding a carrot in your mouth, having two eggs in each pocket on a Sunday afternoon when it's raining.". Seriously?
3:02 Would be funny if somebody fart inside that box. ??
мда… рекорды, которые мы заслужили. остановите эту Землю, я хочу выйти
hahaha wow.. ALOT of stupid shit.
and explain 1:34, that's like a 100lb stone. unless that person was born without a spine or those are prosthetic arms, that's not even impressive
I’d like to try and fit in that box !!
80% херь полная
Song please????
So….a world record is basically something you make up that others haven't wasted their time trying to do. Sounds pretty easy. I'm gonna set the next record….how many cupcakes can I stick to my body ?
Why would you put that karate dude breaking bricks? That shit is sooo obviously fake.
1:01 okay wow that’s really awesome!!
1:36 puaahh this girl ?
i hold the record for being me the longest anyone has ever been me
1:24 trentasette fischia e canta
Нужно тоже подать заявку на рекорд. Я дольше всех лежал на моем диване
3:00 fart box of doom
Is this a joke? so basically just come up with something that no one's ever done before and then you become a record holder at it?
All these are just really obscure things that nobody really does.
I probably broke the record for the longest time in a bed
It’s 2019 dude. Same nonsense with new cars being labeled the year after ?
I hold the world record for using a toilet the longest
How can their be 2020 world records when its 2019?
I hold the world record for the number of words on a single sticky note …. because that is a thing worth recording. And my teachers never thought I would amount to anything. Idiots!
My best record eat cheeseburger
Not impressed at all
Y los comentarios en español? Puro inglés
Like para que no se pierda el comentario
My world record is being myself.
Wow these people are talented
What if the world records broke you
Those people getting the pineapples cut on their heads have to be out of their fucking mind to participate in that record
@ 2:01 i can do more then Ten step from this guy
I'm first please give me a Like
Pretty sure I set the record for most guitar picks lost in one day