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Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says the management at Domodedovo airport is responsible for security violations which led to a deadly blast at Russia’s biggest air hub on Monday. A suicide bomber is suspected to be behind the attack, which killed 35 people and left around 180 injured. The blast took place in the international arrivals area and is the country’s worst since twin bombings rocked Moscow’s metro last March. Around a hundred people have been taken to hospitals across the capital.
waao high defination CCTV footage
what the fuck is that shit attentat ???? brussels or moscow???
This is Brussels 2016 you are liar , RT stole this video from the future !!!!!!!!!
Brussels wow
сучары . мы не забудем.
RT tv not CCTV looser
targeting random innocent citizens is sad and pathetic. instead of picking soft targets, these cowards should pick up arms against a military checkpoint or such (not that this is any better). what is accomplished in harming innocent people other than bad publicity??
Destruction is easy. Creation very difficult.
You sir, are and idiot.
I like eggs
They are in their early teens or younger, getting a kick out of upsetting what they think are grown-ups.
try saying that again, i hope you'll leave enough room for my fist cause i'm gonna ram it through your stomach and break your goddamn spine ; )
There is to much ignorance to communicate peacefully
so sad
it was the NWO who did this. Terrorism only exists in our minds. It is used to control us.
I pity all who are raised into the worship of Islam, so sad
Haha agreed.