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He's duelling a ghost!
4:27, that Creep is a Hero!
that necro wouldnt escape in this patch. 🙂 damn 'balance' patches. . more like meta patches..
worst singing of Vicinity Of Obscenity y ever. which makes me sad because anyone who likes that song is awesome in my book.
Is it really that hard to press R?
Especially on the right target? (Well, I have failed this a bit)
First clip, "I'm done farming"
Gets one shot by a 1100 damage crit
dude, this channel, just sit, watch funny stuff, and talk about it. watch the money flow
actually its not a fail dueling a ghost it would give you the gold and exp instead of letting it die by itself it would just be denied
7:31 thug life section
everyone who plays with using mouse only to use items and spells deserves to lose like that
SOAD – Vicinity of Obscenity
Banana terracopa pie is system of a down song just incase your wondering.
Daily giveaways here https://www.LootMarket.com/?refer=ShinySupplyGgwp Trusted website….
nice magnus ++
that magnus at 3:05 lose all his faith in humanity.
you like soad sunsfan? <3
8:42 Secret edited out proof that SunSfan was on drugs.
Public service: the name of the song is viscinity of obscenity.
зачем они выкидывают предметы
Lol what to do vs Zeus? Buy a pipe that helps a lot..
episode full of 500 mmr noobs. It's not funny, just noobs
This dude sounds exactly like James Woods.
where is reaves? it is not the same chemistry with sunsfan and the new one
Noob filipinos haha
"Dali" – means fast
translated 😛
can someone teachs me how to that spectre do..double reality..
a small loan of a million dollars
what happened on the first clip with anti and TA, i dont get it. can somone explain please.
not fails of the week but the idiots of the week
why people drop their items I don't understand… can someone explain please?
system of a down bana 😀
wait why did void remive his bf?
It should be, fails of the month
dota 2 fail of the month
This video should be renamed to "Fails of the Month" instead "Fails of the Week" if not updating once per week
Where's Reaves? Wait, no that was stupid; Reaves stinks… Heheh, but naw I do miss him.
Where the fuck is 141?
how does spectre escapes after gettibg the aegis?
Oh boy! Kiandymundi is the greates animator ever and his beard is truly outrageous!
(sorry im not sorry)
Fails of the Week? More like Fails of every other Week.
"That's a Void player, you don't even think" LMAO
Around 1:58
WK died already died at the beginning near when ES gets dueled so how did SF got death delayed?
That Hell Bear really played hard. 7:22 xD
RIP Fails of the Week 141
Everyones Ghost! im ghost! your ghost! hes ghost! shes ghost!
who the fuck is siractionslacks, where the fuck is reaves! how long have i been gone?!
common guys 1 video a month???? wtf
the only thing that takes longer than finding a game in dota is for a new fails of the week episode to come out!
DOTA 2 FAILS OF THE "MONTH" sucks waiting for the next episode