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i got fucked..
where the fuck is the intro?!?!?!?!?
That Underlord teleport to Roshan wasn't really a fail. I'd call it more an amazing play for Disruptor. Unless they had already done this previously in the game so there was no surprise.
that witch doctor was probably giving clinkz a tango but fucked it up xD
how the hell did that lone druid die?
what happened to reaves put that question
I don't understand how BB's back procs so much quil? He doesn't seem to be receiving damage that reaches the threshold that quickly that much. Looking at the spray it's almost like wtf mode. I see it happens after pudge uses BM but why?
vidoes are shit now.
I hate to be this guy but i've always been a fan of dota content but lately things feel to repetitive so i made my own show if you want something more than the usual why not check out my new show "MMR Report"
2:50 how's that feel, pa picker?
i watch u guys just cuz of the intro lol i love it
this channel is dead
3:41 Pudge used Blade Mail. Since Bristle is facing away from Pudge, Passive takes effect, the stack of Quill is high enough for the Passive to proc. Not a bug but is quite OP.
that bristleback thing wasnt a bug, pudges blademail returns quill dmg which then procs bb's passive and the quills proc blademail and the process repeats until someone dies
guys… Slacks whens the next episode coming?
wow, im sitting on the toilet doing my thing while checking out dota fails of week… I started watching and thought "hey, wheres the intro, i should check if ive skipped it" and as i want to turn my phone to rewind I DROP MY PHONE AND BREAK THE SCREEN! THANK YOU SUNSFAN AND SLACKS
but he is liam neeson
Is sunsfan still dating Sajadene?
backpack is still useless people still drop their items
8:10 olo)AsH Старичок Эш Kappa
dafuq is sunsnugget
are you guys gay lovers?
6:30 is the best
no intro?
Ring of Health is a solid item on cent. Stop relying on tranqs like that. You can upgrade the ring later into vanguard or pipe based on the enemy composition. RoH gives more regen overall while half the time tranquils dont give regen even while at backpack.
AMA: What happened to Reaves?