This talented Dog knows how to put on a good performance!
CutiesNFuzzies gathers the clips of cute and cuddly animals and kids from all over the internet.
Tweets by CutiesNFuzzies
who hurted his heart
Reminds me of Tom Waits
This dog and Buddy the beagle should do a duet!
I can tell dat song remind em of ol Delilah
"Requiem for a howl" ???…so cute!
Elton John, in dog form.
its the piano guys as a DOG!!!!!!!!!!
“Breathtaking performance”- new york times
Dj Khalid on the remix. "Another one"
I love the fray lmaon
ding about his lost girl friend…so sad .
This dog should collab with Buddy Mercury
For God's sake will someone pull the stool in a little? no wonder she's off key. Can't work in these conditions she sings
Is this Yoko Ono?
i dnt have to hear the words bt i can tell that is a very sad song
The dog was like "Someday, I'll becme a virtuoso artist like my human master!"
That singing is better then ariana grande
Damn….when he dropin that album
“She Done Me Wrong”.
He needs to be in America's Got Talent.
What a cute dog and so smart he must see his parents singing and playing on the piano.
ooo mamma mia !!!!!
Oh boy????haven't seen that coming
Oh its……. Rise of the planet of dogs
Amazing performance!!! Bravo ?!
This song must be a sad song, it sounds like crying
I got the blues,
I got them, someone cut my tail off blues!
YouTube recommend me to watch these.
my bowl is empty he says.
The music master
So much soul!!
Haha for dogs is pitty
mrs rossa if u know me i am rasmey i miss u 🙁
Wire foz terrier??
Finishes playing… Waits for crowd applause… Exits stage left.
What gets me is that after hes finished he just stands there waiting, like he's expecting an applause