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New team OG yea, like they can win TI8 right ? 😀
when an unstoppable idiot meets an immovable dumbass
Whats wrong with Dazzle? What could he do? Anyway he need 1.5 sec to stun with 1st skill
Well it was a Nature´s Prophet teleporting out what can dazzle do he doesn´t have a fast enough stun. And even if he stops him thats a nature´s prophet with rapier he can´t fight that stuff
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How to submitt a video?
its been 2 weeks!!!!
Back to Fails of every other Week
Garbage series, this shit sucks
the last clip is actually top play vs epic play
The best thing about faceless void. The weapon cosmetic is a battlefury, an item than can cut trees, so he could unblock himself 😀
@2:30 next dota 2 wtf 249
no comment on flying crepes infront of second enigma clip?
What does the sun nugget mean?
Whats the deal about suns nugget ?
Sunsfan y r u laughing so hard. we ALL know the only thing funny on slacks is in his slacks.
Can someone explain the monkey king one please, thank you.
what is a suns nugget?
I have a fail
match id :3476382579
hero name: faceless void
time :26mins:30 sec
submitted by : GODSLAYER
player who played faceless void : Sosyal Sosegs
Plz watch and I hope i will see that clip in next fails of the week 188
More like subpar plays of the week
NEIL!!!! hahaha Slacks has the best reactions. Keep up the good work guys!
Spectre had radiance in the clip
2:40 Sharknado Dota
8:46 Синк эбаут ит
DotaCinema regalen el set del pudge
ห ่ธรรมะ 55555+
enigma even does a little bow
Dota 2 is dying and rapidly declining in player count. Valve desperately needs to do something.