Bum monkey and Ben play stuffed animals

Bum monkey and Ben play stuffed animals
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at noon Bum’s brother gave Bum a drink, Monkey Bum and Ben were happy to play together, invite you to watch the video and remember to post it to me, thank you


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About the Author: MONKEY BUM


  1. Why you got Ben still up. He found his way home. He don't fear you anymore,so why can't he have freedom like Bum? Tie Bum up for a while and give Ben freedom,if you determined to tie him up. Let him see you doing equally toward them. Ben is treated more like a step child monkey. Like he not as important or as good as Bum. ????

  2. Ben is an absolute Star! Leave him run around like bum does….it will make for great viewing. Your 2 sons (human children) are a credit to you, so kind, caring and well behaved, especially the elder one, he has so much love to give. X

  3. Where are you come from? Ben and bum sleeping together? A good video before they sleeping. Ben eat a loth.. your a good mum. You have 2 children…I love watching your video's. Have a good evening..

  4. How wonderful that Ben let you hold his arm!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Next time release Ben after a few strokes so that you are the one to break contact when you decide and not Ben pulling away when he wants. Keep the touching brief at first. A few strokes, then let go. You want Ben to want to seek you out because your touch feels good. You don’t want him pulling away. Eventually you can hold him longer as he accepts. But you determine how long, not Ben. You are the Alpha. ??❤️??

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