Rescue Stray Dog Broken Leg in barbaric Way by Monters People on Street | Hearbreaking
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I met this old dog, someday in the hot summer almost fainted Sitting in the shade, in a corner of a store. No dreams ., hopeless at living a better life, poor boy was thinking how to survive on the streets .. I went and I gave him some water and food every time i met him .
An elderly dog beaten by fate, which was indulged by his hard life, hunted chases by everyone, who lived simply to survive
A fearful dog after trauma created by “too good” people …
If he could talk to tell us his story would surely be extremely sad and painful to listen to.
He was fed by mercy of two young girls living in the area, every time he was seen.
I wanted to help him to save him before this sad event but he was too scared and started to run when i was going closer.
The risk was too high to run in the traffic street to be hit by a car.
I said he’s a survivor and he knows how to beware of danger , thought I cannot change his destiny
But unfortunately was not like this and this time I rescued him injured .
Please donate: paypal : neagu.georgiana7@gmail.com
More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Animal Aid Unlimited, India: https://www.youtube.com/user/AnimalAi…
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
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Thank you for watching!
#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
What a sweetie!
Bless his heart, poor thing.
This is sad n pathetic that somebody would do this to a animal.
Monsters. NOT monters
I do not think this broken pawn was make by hand. It look more like a crush by a car who rolled on it. Or a shoes. Like someone step very hard on his pawn. Poor boy. The most important thing is that he is happy now.
Tutta quelli che salvano qualcuno soprattutto loro che sono indifesi sono delle star
Sei veramente una stella luminosa
Poor dog
De olho cuidadores Final de Ano ta chegando haha abandono de Animais.
Beautiful senior dog, with deep soulful eyes. Thanks to you, he is saved from living on the streets, and most likely death being all alone, unwanted and in terrible pain. God bless you for caring and taking care of Jacob! Where is this , what country?☺☺??????
Such a gorgeous dog well done for saving yet another beautiful boy of the streets and getting him the help he so desperately needed your special people xxxx
Thank you for rescuing this beautiful precious fur baby no animal deserves to be hurt like that God bless you for the beautiful kindness that you have shown we need more people like you in the world not more morons who hurt the most precious things we have once again thank you
O ser humano que machuca um animal merece morrer!
The worst of humans and the best.Bless your heart for not ignoring this wee soul.How dare humans treat precious animals like this.Shame on all those who ignored his plight.Be ashamed of yourselves
Blessings to you & all the people helping this dog get better..!!!
Heartwarming and beautiful. Poor, crippled dog on his way to a painful sad death and is saved by love. He is so funny when he loves to be petted and he opens his mouth. Wonderful story. Happy together.
What a beautiful little boy Jacob is. You're truly amazing and a hero to me! Thank you
Thank you for being an exceptional being who showed the world what humanity means. God bless your kind deeds !
Bless him and you he is enjoying life now. Well done for all you did for the poor dog.
Thank you????❤️❤️???
Bless this woman for seeing a bad problem and jumping to help right away. Looks like a nice pooch. Well this lady fell in love with Jacob who is just so sweet. They've fixed his leg as best as they could and now he xan have a happy life with his new Mom. She sure loves him.
How could anyone do that to that poor baby? Jacob I care about you.
I always how someone could be so cruel. But I'm also happy when good people come along and help. God bless them. Where is this happening anyway?
Jacob is so Sweet. Thank you for Saving him ? God Bless you ???
I'll NEVER Ever Understand Animal Cruelty! Anyone that can harm an Innocent Doggie, Kitty, or Any Animal deserves to be killed. Period. They're Evil , Heartless bastards & are serial killers in the making.
I love it when rescued dog are given something to eat.
Hey you beasts come to meet me, that's my biggest wish…..
I would love them to do that to me…kick etc .I would batter until they couldn't breathe….cruel bastards…Innocent dog how low are certain people sinking into…..oblivion hopefully…..where the sun doesn't shine….
What a beautiful boy! So lovely to see his personality coming out. God bless you for helping him xxx
The one true lesson that one gets from watching Scooby Doo , is that in life , the real monsters are always human . There is no such this as a bad dog , only monster humans that has mistreated them .
I'm glad to say that not all humans are monsters . It's a sad fact of life , that what begins with birth always ends with death .
Jacob is a very cute dog!!you are a very kind lady!!i love you also!!why are the people doing like this to the poor dogs?!in our country no one do like the torture to any animals!!we love cows goats sheep's dogs and cats!!
God Jesus bless you angel and your Jacob!!thank you!!