hello everyone, This episode was a little more uncut than usual, we manage to try and focus throughout out the night by scouting the area trying to be more quiet and having this video more RAW than usual. I do paranormal investigations to seek answers and learn more as I go. There’s a lot of things we as human don’t understand when communicating with the other side. This is my Experience as I investigate this abandoned nursing home with some friends. Thank you to all
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stay tuned for PART 2
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1) At 10:42 when asked "Can you make some sort of sound so I can know you are here?" there's a breathy sound "haaaaaaa," and stop abruptly. I doubt it came from the guys;
2) At 11:05 there's a faint knock;
3) At 11:52 when asked "If you want us to leave can you knock again," at 12:00 a slight knock once can be heard;
4) At 13:27 a weird sound can be heard. It sound like "et et ……eettt… eettt… eettt… eettt;" Do not sound like any birds, rats or wild animals. Maybe an owl? In that kind of forsaken place, I believe anything can happen.
At the end of the day, capturing or interacting with the supernatural is not an easy feat. They come to you and not the other way round. Can't wait for Part 2 dark explore of the haunted Nursing Home. Who knows, maybe Erick and the gang might meet one of the long forgotten nurses, tending to her deathly patients in the darkness. Until then, thanks Exploring with Erick.
Very creepy place
yo erik i am canadian and southa frican whats up
Bring in part 2!
You should also go the clown motel in Nevada or Stanley hotel Colorado they known haunted locations other youtubers been there
14:28 14:29 look like someone jumped back in that door thats yellow
That place is creepy I heard some noises i heard that knock ???
Very creepy bro much love stay safe u need to take mask brother trust me black mold is some nasty crap
That was a amazing video!
Was that green light at 17:39 just a camera or something you set down?
Another awesome video as always, very scary can’t wait for part two stay safe n keep doing what u do lots of lov from us in NZ
This was awesome Erick! That door moving that was a really good catch you are doing good with this paranormal investigating ? and you had to leave us hanging with that to be continued lol ? I've been a investigator over 20 some years now and I can tell you nursing homes, hospitals, sanitoriums, rail roads & cemeteries are major paranormal hotspots! Just to name a few of course there's way more places lol if your ever in the southwest virginia area we have plenty of creepy haunted places that would creep you out so bad you will wish you wore depends diapers lmao st Albans sanitorium is one its by tours or renting the place for the night so I havent been but know plenty that have. Major Graham's mansion is another I have been there I snuck in by myself in 2005 usually nothing scares me much and I investigate alone for the most part cause most my friends are chicken lol but that mansion was one place I wished I had depends on lmao ? very haunted and something defenantly didn't won't me there I almost came out of my skin by the time I finished exploring the house and it was during the day at that! Can't wait to see the second part of this video stay safe you all have my support always keep it real I love that about your video's they are raw, real & honest not full of fakery or over dramatization! Thank you ??✨
Night was intense we need to go back ???
Heyyyyyy!!!! You got yourself a new sub!!! After this video I plan on watching some more of thim. I love the Paranormal realm of life. I am a 4th generation pagan witch and do practice the craft. Just was giving you a little knowledge about me and I'm sensitive AF, very intuitive. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your work.
Bless Be?⭐?