Ghost caught on tape! Frightening security camera video of a scary ghost waiting for a train on a haunted railway track. This real ghost is going to ride the train. The ghost is also waiting for you. WARNING: Not for kids!
Are ghosts real? Check out our vast collection of scary ghost videos, real ghost videos, scary video clips, true ghost videos, scary photos, paranormal ghost videos, funny horror videos, ghost haunting, bhoot (भूत) videos, ghost sightings, authentic supernatural videos, top (YouTube) ghost videos, real encounters, devil videos, spirit videos, haunted apartments, poltergeist activities, etc. and answer the question yourself! Alternatively, you may share our videos with ghost investigators and get an authentic opinion on horror videos, paranormal footage, and real haunted places. Do you stay close to a cemetery/graveyard and have you seen anything spooky lately? Would you like to tell us a few ghost stories? Make sure you share all the spooky and creepy details with us. We would be happy to visit your neighborhood for a more detailed investigation (ghost research). Order ghost hunting equipment online today. Meanwhile, enjoy watching several “ghost caught on tape” and “ghost caught on camera” videos on YouTube.
Real ghost videos (playlist): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9864BC609D8FF182
Junk man,that's really fake.
Welp..that’s one minute of my life I’m never going to get back?
iss main tera ghata mera kuch nahi jata…??
Ha ha ha ha. Nice gag
Dislike this bullshit
Dislike ??
you just rubbis
It's so fake ?
It is because of these videos that have made it harder for the real ones to be seen.
AAh, damn, you got me lol, good one, all these sore losers cant admit they were had.
Haa nearly fell out of bed for fuck sake ???
fake just a jumpscare to make u believe it ghost is not real
does not look exempt, false title
I had a hearth a attak but I'm okay??
Strunz? ohhh allor si strunz over
Holy shit that was good jump scare
I cracked my iphone and got a heart attack…
And this is why i read the comments before watching a video like this cuz i usually watch at 11 at night and i dont want a jumpscare at that time, sorry mate, i wont watch it. Maybe when its daytime tough
And this is why i read the comments before watching a video like this cuz i usually watch at 11 at night and i dont want a jumpscare at that time, sorry mate, i wont watch it. Maybe when its daytime tough
HOLY CRAP it made me flip out(+it's fake)
I just broke my iPad
This railroad is not abandoned man-i am the enginer
Thanks for the warning.
We now have 1000+ subscribers. Thanks!
Made me jump lol
I saw the breeze then a light of a figure and knew then it was fake still I fucking jump twat LOL AHAHAAHAHA FUNNY PUT THIS ON MY FACEBOOK PAGE FOR A LAUGH LOL.
I thought you did that by computer the ghost
How did you get the ghost popup on there
Great another one of those lame popup video