Please donate $5 and help us save more dogs out there:
To adopt this little guy, please contact our friends at Doggies 911 Rescue: http://www.Doggies911Rescue.org/
#HopeForPaws #DogRescue #DogVideos
Please donate $5 and help us save more dogs out there:
To adopt this little guy, please contact our friends at Doggies 911 Rescue: http://www.Doggies911Rescue.org/
#HopeForPaws #DogRescue #DogVideos
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No Hugo!!! We shall save u
When Lisa picked him up he had this desperate look in his eyes. He was scared stiff. And looked like he didn't know how to escape it, whatever it was. You girls rock big time. WoW ???????????
It's ok, you're ok, it's ok, everything ok…?
I remember being critical of Lisa and another girl on one of these videos years ago. But I’ve come to realise how great she is and how good she is at this job.
So I’m sorry for misjudging you and keep up the great work your doing ❤️
you were so calm and gentle with him! poor little guy! those wounds looked painful! ♥️
It… hurts a little, to watch these videos. My corgi had to check up on me while watching this bit, haha. Yeah… I wish I could save them all…
Poor little guy happy you found him
So happy you rescued and saved Hugo.
Can you all rescue the dogs in the shelters that are being put down,to make room for others coming in? I love Hope for Paws but we need to stop the killing of unwanted dogs,as a whole what can we do to help all of them? What happens to the ones that don’t get adopted out?
I love what you are doing. Respect from France
What a sweetheart love him I wish I could have him ????❤️??
He is a special guy indeed.
Mon Dieux conbien sont abandonnés dans le monde ils Mal traitement lès humains sont cruelle pauvres petit aidé les soigner les nourrire les aime les sauver les MERCI ils sont vivants ils ont mal ils ont besoin de nous ils sont tous amours e magnifique adorable MERCIS ils sont tous ADORABLE Merci
Can i have 1 dog u rescue pls
If vets didn’t charge so much There’d be a lot less animals who’d need rescuing!
!! Que cosita madre !!!
gotta love Lisa..
Looks terrified poor baby
This hit home.
My dog was killed by a bunch of strays, when I was 8.
Hey guys just wondering if you operate in Australia.
God bless all involved in the rescue and recovery for this ?furbaby ?
He warmed up to you really quick! I’d warm up to you even quicker! LOL! ??????
Im sorry but beside recuing i liked also the body of the rescuer hot mama!?
We love you guys!
Thank you so much for the rescuing All ????❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️????????
Pobre rata gorda qué asustada estaba!!!
The poor thing..wonderful work guys..
What a beautiful little dog he was in so pain but now he's better. Thanks you and your team