Rescue Poor Abandoned Puppy was Bite by Big Dog Broken Jaw, Swollen Face | Heartbreaking

Rescue Poor Abandoned Puppy was Bite by Big Dog Broken Jaw, Swollen Face | Heartbreaking
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Rescue Poor Abandoned Puppy was Bite by Big Dog Broken Jaw, Swollen Face | Heartbreaking

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in the morning 08.00 am, I received an SOS phone call that someone found a puppy hurt on his head and asked me if i can help. The person who found it said it might be that the puppy was bite by adult dogs

OMG i went to see what is wrong with the puppy. My herth was broken 🙁 It was a new busy day for me as i had a dog transport but i couldn’t let her there… I dont know what it is about as you may see his face is deformed and he has a swollen on one side . On my opinion someone hurt him a while ago and it might be that she is deformed now on..

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  1. Tausendmal DANKE an euch,dass ihr diese süssen kleine Maus gerettet habt!Es ist schön zu sehen,dass es ihr jetzt gut geht!Ihr seid so lieb!!!!!Macht weiter so,die armen hilflosen Tiere brauchen euch!!!!!!??

  2. Grazie di averlo curato e amato come si merita grazie ciao piccolo buona vita amore! spero che trovi presto l'amore di una famiglia che gli voglia tanto bene ciao piccolo!!!?????????????❤??????

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