This is an update video, you can watch the full rescue and story of Mowgli here: https://youtu.be/Ymtfu6ytOEA . We want to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you who watch and share our rescue videos and help us find such wonderful adoptive families! And many thanks to all Howl Of A Dog supporters for helping us make happy endings like Mowgli’s possible!
More info & photos of Mowgli at his forever home are also available on our website: https://www.howlofadog.org/mowgli-adopted-in-germany/
To support our animal rescue work, please visit: https://www.howlofadog.org
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#HowlOfADog #DogRescue #AnimalRescue
Howl Of A Dog is a small nonprofit animal rescue organization located in Romania. Our commitment is to rescue abandoned, neglected and abused dogs from the streets or from overcrowded public shelters and to find them suitable loving forever homes.
HOWL OF A DOG organization
Registration Number 33570458
Hi friends! If you haven't seen yet the full rescue video and story of Mowgli, you can watch it here: https://youtu.be/Ymtfu6ytOEA . THANK YOU so much for watching and sharing our rescue videos and helping us find such wonderful adoptive families! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ http://www.HowlOfADog.org
Thank you so much for saving this beautiful dog ,god bless you ,save more and more dogs ?
Let's see if we can get a donation train going guys! Just donated 5 bucks! If we can afford a cup of coffee we might as well get it to where it's needed most.
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that"
An angel in human form ??
OK, I have cried with each and every video. What a wonderful work you do!
I don't understand how anyone could abandon that cute little face, and he's so sweet.
Who can dislike this ??
Love your videos I think you really deserve more credit than you get!
Thank you for saving / helping all these cute dogs!
the people who run this channel are a huge inspiration. thank you for showing me how beautiful some of mankind can be. this is the most wholesome channel i have ever been recommended
This how every rescued animal deserves to live especially senior animals
I have two, one Pitbull and one Pomeranian, both are like our kids, amazingly Pitbull is really wise, there are misconceptions that Pitbull is an aggressive dog but ours is a loving and playful one, Pitbull is three years old and Pomeranian is twelve years old but still very energetic and playful.
Thank you ?
Oh god, so freaking cute.
Lovely little man. ❤?
That's wonderfoul!
I have a friend witch I abondonded after he told me what he did to his dog. He said that his dog was a disgrace and that he would not let him eat him. He tried to get flesh from his body but the dog eventually started to be afraid of him. He then was thinking if he should kill his dog or abandon him. He told me he wanted the dog to suffer alone in the cold winter without any love. So he abandoned him out in the cold waste. He also told me that he every day hopes his dog is suffering or get hit by a car or train. I decided to tell the police but they found no proof that he ever had a dog. Its just 2 weeks since I last saw his dog. Right now my former friend is spending his time looking for tips online how to get flesh from a dog without killing it. I have looked for the dog without any sucsess. He is planning to get a new dog, and I dont know what todo. I tried convince him to get psycological help, but he refuses to do so. What should I do?
Beautiful ?
proud to be a subscriber in ur channel
It makes me so sad to think that there's so many dogs who die bc they were left on streets and they starve and get ran over by cars or storms and more?? it breaks my heart???
I donated from an old link through PayPal I hope it goes to you!
The black little angel is Super cute
His eyes are gorgeous
Aww, such a sweet boy! Hes so cute and adorable, the name really fits him!
Very very happy for him.
I had subscribed u …. don't know why….for crying…for smiling…for knowing that there r people like u who really takes care of dogs… THANK YOU…♥️?????❤️?
Love u so much for doing this
Whoever dislikes this video has no heart
thenk u howl of dogg, verry cool
Mowgli lives a better life than I do! He deserves it <3
Very gooood dog
Humans and dogs share a same destiny over this world, we are born to be one, i am old now but i will never forget any of the only true friends i had along my life !!! Thank you for your lovely work !!!
Пёс улыбается,я такого не видел ещё.Супер ролик.Счастливый Пёс!!
Keep doing your work bud
Can I please adopt him I beg u
1 Million subscribers! You deserve it Howl of a Dog, the work you do is Amazing. Congratulations!
Lucky doggo!!!?⭐️? Such a cutie and a sweetheart!!!❤️??⭐️???????