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so fucking funny
you sound like the moose brothers from Brother Bear
Shut up and shoe cilp now . Stop your mouth noob!! .i want to see cilp no wanna listen u talk.
Man these dumbed-down trendies are unbelievably annoying
4:27 Best puck EVER hahahaha!!! <— 😀
haha this epic fails are so funny hahaha
6666likes, amm, ok…
This is probably the best episode so far lol.
Oh, btw guys, there's a glitch in DOTA atm with which you can get treasure keys just by typing in some console commands lol. I can't post links here so,
If you want to find out more just type on Google : virtpal dota 2 and click the first result. You didn't hear this from me :#
the Mirana didn't take the gem because it was cursed – it made the bearer and idiot.
rolf can't stop laughing at the last xD
first clip is the funniest! hahaha. it's the end of the clip!!! XD
First clip wins
Reaves: " ITS NOT FUCKING FUNNY" hahahahhahaha
really good puck
Please make a video of you roaring that way
2:49 – I love that sound
on puck..! IDOL 😀
Руззке Впирёд
4×4 is 16 -.-
Fuck advertisement
3:37 the funniest Dota cinema moment ever.
Holy cow, russians are really bad at dota!!! Dont go to Russian publics, its like playing with easy bots who spam useless comments and disconnect every 3 minutes
jhahahaaha so funny earth spirit ever cannot stop laughing so lonely here and where everybody hahahahahahaa
Didn't even laughed at one..
pudge died smelling alchemist mount dick
She didnt have space for the gem, she picked back up her TP….
You're going down SPECTTT………………REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE….!@3:23 XD
Crazy Juke ! Watch until the end.
Pudge blows alch 2:49 and sunsfan's grunting makes it funnier
Why Arent u guys uploading more in we play stuf Channel
puck top player