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2018 and i came to watch Magnus again
6:09 I love how there's Ancient being destroyed and Magnus raged at the same moment
So deep
That axe definitely knew np was there. Makes it a point to go to the cliff
"With the giant ball of ice cock" ???
I know this is late, but seriously, nobody has commented on the pronunciation of 'Trafalgar Law' at 3:20?
I still come back to this episode if i need to laugh, that magnus
whats with all the hate guys???? cant there a single youtube community that have 90% nice people?
That Magnus is like the God of Dota scrubs.
3:27 Weaver. I am disappoint.
I see no shame in forgetting Episode 1, in fact it's an achievement he managed to erase it from his memory.
Don't worry we're all hoping one day we can all forget about Qui-gon-Jin and everything else in those shitty prequels.
Props to that magnus for being willing to submit his fail at the end
I just love when someone have a anime name and they try to read it xD
You cant turn the rot off while youre catched in the nightmare…
Do you realize how lucky you are, in a normal video if you would of referenced MLP an entire shitstorm of MLP lovers and haters would of flooded the comments, and the war that would of followed would have consumed china, Russia, and the entire western hemisphere with an ungodly amount of death, turmoil, famine, and of course friendship.
How you get the set. Do there have Riki's set.
Double click on a TP scroll brings you to fountain? This would have been pretty useful a few games back 😛
I had some flashbacks to my newbie Bane moments… so many nightmared friendlies…
3:27 it's the weaver's fault. All he had to do was hold position at like 3:30 and he dodges both his allies.
omg im famous im the weaver hahaha
magnus: "1v1 me noob" pussies out once you challenge him to do the actual 1v1
I've been reading the comments and apparently I felt obligated to say.
There is not Qui, Gon or Jinn in Mortal Kombat. But then again it's from the "NEW" Star Wars so you can't really blame him. Jar Jar Binks really stole the spotlight in those videos.
ya faking idiot it's not from mortal kombat it's from star wars1!1!!!!1one!111one
Ed Boon: "We're excited to announce that Qui-Gon Jinn will be in Mortal Kombat X."
worst magnus ever :))) LOL so noob 😐
trafalgar law = one piece !!
lol noobs all over the places
SunSfan, Qui-Gon Jinn is a Jedi master played by Liam Neeson in Star Wars ep. 1 : The phantom menace. How could you not know? Make 1 more mistake like that and I'll unsubscribe
Well after the last Reaves' part I feel uncomfortable
No. SUNSfan is not my friend anymore
Magnus, you really need to change your name in Dota2. What have seen cannot be unseen.
Qui Gon Jin – Liam Neeson, Star Wars Episode 1
Traflgar Law – character from the One Piece Anime/Manga
Qui Gon Jinn is from Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace
My face hurts.
That magnus… 'facepalm' -_-
I love Voids name, 'UmadBro?'. I bet he's mad.
not gay bro lmao!!! so random!!!
He must have been thinking about Quan Chi. He's from MK
1v1 me zeus!!!!!
That Magnus was something else…