Real Spirit Photography and Ghost Pictures investigated by Craig and Domenico. More phantoms and paranormal phenomena on the website:
NOTE: Sorry for the poor sound quality this week. One of the mics was faulty.
In this video, we investigate Real Ghost Pictures and unexplained paranormal phenomena.
Set in the spooky ruins at Bishop’s Waltham Craig and Domenico discuss the origins of spirit photography and ghosts caught on camera and video.
In the first part of the movie, we discuss the origins of spirit photography and what constitutes a real ghost caught on camera.
We look at the photography of Mumler and William Hope. Spiritualism is also discussed and the interest of people such as Arthur Conan Doyle, William Crookes, and William Stainton Moses.
We show examples of Orbs, ghosts, and phantoms that are captured by paranormal means. We talk about the origins of ghost photograph and the first claimed real ghost pictures.
We talk about how a camera works and how some photographs can be mistaken for real ghost pictures when in reality they are a camera anomaly. We also talk about the unexplainable.
Certain photographs are impossible to explain away as photographic mistakes. We look at photographs both real and fake.
We also explain some of the ways that ghosts are captured on video. You will be intrigued by these startling phenomena and the remarkable images have manifested on camera. Watch this original movie about real ghost pictures and this never-before-seen footage.
#GhostPhotography #RealGhostPictures #SpiritPhotography
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Note: Sorry about some of the sounds and micro jumps in this video. We had problems with one mic but Domenico managed to rescue it!. – Craig
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So grateful that I found your site….educational and informative…just viewed your 2020 predictions…keep 'em coming…..
What if the past , present and future all exist at the same time ? I think Einstein had come up with that theory ! I work with it sometimes by thinking " Whatever is already done and over with". It's strange but it works !
My late grandfather lost his farm and land thus I lost my "birthright" because I loved the land, the topsoil, the barns, I feel incomplete without it. The farm is sold, the land is tied up with relatives fighting and arguing. Buildings hold spirits and even the soil has feeling. I wonder what feelings are held within the soil and walls, Thank you for all your insights.
I took photos with my phone at night where a terrible accident happened because her one colleague tragically died there. There was no one and nothing around when I took the pics. When I showed her when I got home, here was this young guy's face about a metre and half off the road. It's not the first and certainly won't be the last. I also pick up energies and so on and see those who are now on another level of existence and communicate with them. It's sometimes frustrating for me because I'm relatively new at this but it's very rewarding and satisfying at the same time
Enjoyed this episode.
In some cases after an individual passes away, the individual is returned to their home by Father, The Creator. Father is following The Worlds Plan to perfection. The individual, who is a Spirit, will have the proper density level. Some will have a solid appearance where as others will be more transparent.
I have the ability to see others, who have passed away. One of them was Abraham Lincoln wearing his top hat. Another was a Caucasian female wearing a night gown and she had white hair. I have also seen demons and they can hurt others. My newborn son was laying on his bed. A male demon had reached over the crib rail and he had placed his hand over my son's nose and mouth. I yelled at the demon and told him to get away from him. The demon cursed me but he did move away. Demons cause sudden death syndrome.
By the way, we are all Spirits. Evil Spirits wanted other Spirits called ghosts after they pass away. At times they are returned to their former homes or other locations. The request was granted for The Worlds Plan.
Although the Cottingley fairies were faked the girls insisted right up until their deaths that one of the photos were genuine and they did see apparitions.
Silly things to hear Craig breathing hard to keep up with the younger man. hahaha. thanks for the film nice to see this ancient site..
Seth, in Jane Roberts – Seth Material, also talks that everything happens at once in – as he calls it – one spacious present. And that walking through old ruins, you are actually walking side by side the old historical humans.
I have caught flying orbs in my living room by my security camera. Wonder what that is… it's NOT dust.. https://youtu.be/esOgV8KFB1I
Mary Todd Lincoln believed that her spirit photo of her husband was real. Sad. My question is, how could the photographer get images of the dead that the family had never seen before?
Patreon is a wonderful website. They seem to be more fair than YouTube when it comes to videos and donations. Patreon takes 5-12% of the donations depending upon the level of service you sign up for. YouTube, with their member feature, takes about 30%. On Patreon, you can set levels for support and determine which level gets to see a certain video or participate in some other perks. It’s also another way to communicate with fans through messages or the community page. I highly recommend that you set up a page. ? If you look at other channels on YouTube, check out ObsoleteOddity. Oddie just posted a thank you video for his patrons on November 19. He describes his experience with YouTube’s member set up and Patreon’s levels. He seems to like the Patreon. Plus, he set up his page without any levels, just a minimum donation. That way every patron has access to all of his work.
Your son-in-law has an interesting accent. At first I thought Scottish. But, then I started thinking European, maybe Eastern? Any hints??
Darn. Another long message. Sorry. Say hi to your beautiful kitty for me! And, oh yes, the humans too! ?. Niffy
Stone tape theory – particular to limestone and chalky areas – coastal areas like Kent. I thoroughly enjoy your videos and look forward to your annual predictions each autum. Thank you for your work xx
Thank You again for the video, Craig!
I suspect that place was one of the monasteries dissolved by the "enlightened" Henry VIII.
I presume there was a poor house and a lot of charity work done there prior to this "enlightened" act and a massive uptick in poverty thereafter…
No doubt the dissolution and the neglect following it contributed much to the current condition of the building, the civil war being the finishing touch.
St Elmo's Fire is different from the will-o'-wisp (or ignis fatuus) described by Domenico. St Elmo's Fire is caused by static electricity, especially during storms. As I understand, the will-o'-wisp was seen as a bad omen, whereas St Elmo's Fire was seen as a good omen by sailors.
As for 'gas problems', I have a cousin like that… after an 'experiment' that had spectacular results, he stuck a 'no naked flame' sign outside his bedroom door – or so I was told.
That Patreon idea sounds brill – a pity You did not post a link to it though. Oh well…
TYVM ??? Craig Hamilton-Parker at a mansion back in time.
I think it is reasonable to consider the idea that as we can, in modern times, record sounds and visuals and then replay them, there may very well be some natural process whereby this happened in ancient times and those sounds and pictures spontaneously replay under certain circumstances – perhaps when subtle earth currents flow through the bricks and stones?. I would guess it takes very intense emotions to spark off the "recording." in the first place.
Are all ghost Hunter programs fake.
Loved the history storys and knowledge.. one of my fav youtubers Nikocado avacado mentioned you in many of his videos and im happy i subscribed to your channel?
Belief is wonderful what you believe in matters interesting video thank you