Here are some of the scariest tornado videos that were ever caught on camera
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What if a Nuclear Bomb Hit NYC?;
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What if The San Andreas Fault Ruptured Tomorrow?
What if the BIGGEST TORNADO of all time?
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El Reno one of the biggest in history? It was the biggest in history.
El Reno doubled it's size in seconds and changed direction, catching people who thought they were safe inside. Lots of traffic jams as people tried to get away.
Look up the Wadena Mn tornado I was in it got flung back out the door.. it took half the town if it wasn't for the storm chasers we would of had casualties. I'm now am a certified Stormchaser to protect my communities
When you said the Joplin tornado was one of the biggest, do you mean the width or the damage/losses? The tornado was a mile wide in Joplin which is massive though many others have been larger. Also the el reno tornado occurred in 2013 not 2011 (although a large wedge tornado that was much more powerful than the 2013 one occurred on May 24 2011 that struck north of the city) and did not impact el reno like you said. Sorry to be that nerdy guy but just thought I’d clear some confusion up.
I think the driver in the El Reno passes 2 cars parked. Sameras was in a white car. Was this him? I have no doubt those people Died.
Im sorry but I love on the San Andreas Fault..i’d rather go thru an earthquake that a tornado ? anyday
My family and I survived an EF-3 that hit Birmingham, Alabama back in January of 2012. It side-swiped us, so we got very lucky. However, there was only 1 siren blast about an hour before it hit. Even as we were watching the news they never said anything about our area, they were listing off all the other places no where near us to be in their safe places. The power suddenly went out, and then BAM. It was like a Boeing 747 landed on us. An 11 year old girl and a 3 year old boy were killed about a mile from us after it passed.
El Reno Tornado… rest in peace Tim Samaras and team…
Price to pay for having affordable housing.
To whomever made the comments about the Joplin tornado, the city officials never had the sirens going off in the city limits. The city and the national weather service dropped the ball on the tornado warning that led to 165 deaths in Joplin. I have the video to prove it all that there were NO SIRENS going off when the tornado struck Joplin.
Scariest earthquakes on camera
0:44 AAAAAAAAAAA, JOPLIN!!!! MY HOME!!!! I know where that shoe place was. It's closed now. XD
0:03 tornadoes are a joke…. lol
Id like to be a storm chaser
Omg i hate tornadoes why don't they just run or drive away
Does anybody live out in tornado alley? I'm from New York so we don't see what you guys always do. The mountains save us.
Why are people staying at a drive thru window?! I see alot of folks going about their business like it's not happening. Big egos or something? Yeah you da man alright lol.
this guy doesn't know shit about tornados
the el reno tornado at the beginning of your clip happened in 2013. I wonder if that's roiter rd at 6min4second if so that may be right when the twistex team got hit.
I think they're confusing the 2 EF-5 El Reno tornadoes… he says the date is may 31st 2011… the footage and description is from 2013… 2011 EF-5 was May 24th 2011
11:13 "Listen at it"
When I was abt 9 there was a tornado forming in the place me and my friends were running but since I had never seen one back then in the formation procces I didint kno what it was it was super scary when I found out what it was, the clouds were getting all black and the clouds were getting cone shaped
Danggg I was like 1 month & a few days old when the bridge creek one happened. My family lived in California then, but now we’re in Arkansas. It’s just crazy to know things that you just didn’t know that happened.
Underworld, The El Reno tornado was on May 31st ***2013***. Not 2011. Might want to add a text bubble or something. Time: 3:52
Listen, this is coming from a person that has been in 3 hurricanes, and one tropical storm that stalled over Houston and dropped rain for 18 hours. When it's time to move, move. Think about your family and take that shit serious. Nature is not something to toy with or take lightly. It is indiscriminate of who it takes and will devastate. Just some advice from a friend.
I dare u to go near on and do a vid
** people stopping at red light when a tornado is coming **
Me: Hell No!
Am I the only person pissed off that the thumbnail tornado is not in this video?
Edit: rewatched twice just to confirm, If you are here for the thumbnail just dislike the video and move on.
Does Roger hill know you used his videos ?
I was in the 1st one Joplin
?Category 3 ? Tornado hits Dallas Texas https://youtu.be/6pyFH0lBXZA
Tornadoes fascinate me, am I a psychopath??
El Reon by far the is most terrifying and craziest
I live in Estonia , here's no natural disasters like : Tornadoes , tsunamis and stuff like that :DDD
Request: 10 biggest hurricanes ever
I was in the joplin tornado when I was 4. I made it out with my LIFE
3:20 "this poor tower is about to be destroyed"
lady – "NO ONE CARES"
The people driving at 1:50 through Joplin, the one with the British accent guy, where they driving out of the town? In the case of Joplin, and Jarrell, TX that might have been the wisest thing to do, but it's also very risky. The instinct is to hunker down and find shelter, driving away from known shelter seems dangerous, because you don't always know in what direction the tornado is going, you have to be sure you are going the opposite direction. There are some instances, the most horrifying one is Jarrell, TX from the 90s, where the people in that neighborhood would have been better off just getting in their cars and driving off or hell even try out to run their tornado on foot since it was only moving at 9 mph. Scary stuff, hard to know what to do at the moment.
At the first clip i didn't know if they were watching a tornado or filming a porno, "ohhh, ohh, oh my god, right there!"….
The blue in the middle was really pretty!! It’s hard to believe that something so beautiful was on the other side of such devastating destruction.
Four storm chasers also died in the El Reno Tornado. R.I.P to those lost
the deaths were 3 storm chases named Tim Samaras his son Paul Samaras and Jacob Young I think