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Police body cam video #1 – Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, November 11, 2017 – Assistant Sheriff Tom Roberts said officer David Nesheiwat shot and killed Phillip Pitts, 41, who was holding his wife and pointing a gun at her outside a store at 780 E. Pyle Ave, near Maryland Parkway and Cactus Avenue. Pitts’ wife was also struck in the gunfire. Roberts said one of Nesheiwat’s rounds went through Pitts and hit the woman. Pitts did not fire his gun.They were both taken to University Medical Center, where the man died. No officers were hurt, police said. The woman underwent surgery and is expected to survive. Media briefing is here: https://goo.gl/aauLWU
Read more here: https://goo.gl/swJXey
Police body cam video #2 – Vineland, New Jersey, United States, July 14, 2018 – The incident started when police answered a call for a man acting suspiciously on the front porch of a home on East Wood Street. Rashaun Washington, 37, was shot to death following a 28-minute confrontation with police. He was shirtless and paced back and forth, talking and taunting police, telling them they’d have to shoot him, body camera footage made public Thursday revealed. Read more here: https://goo.gl/oGBEW7
Police body cam and dash cam videos #3 – Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States, May 3, 2018 – Kent County Prosecutor Chris Becker said Grand Rapids police were justified in police shooting and killing Malik Carey, 18, who opened fired on police after engaging in an otherwise pleasant conversation. Carey, who was seated in the back seat of a parked car, was talking to police when he suddenly reached into his waistband for a gun and fired four shots at officers. Read more here: https://goo.gl/jTpifM
Police body cam video #4 – Gilbert, Arizona, United States, February 27, 2018 – The Maricopa County Attorney’s Office cleared two Gilbert police officers of criminal wrongdoing in connection with the fatal police shooting of a 37-year-old man who pointed a rifle at the officers, according to a statement from town police Monday. Officers Troy Vernon and Christoph Putton fatally shot Joshua Kinnard in February outside his house after the man grabbed a rifle from his truck and pointed it at the officers, police said in the statement. Police were called to a home in the 3900 block of East Encinas Avenue Feb. 26 on reports of a man acting erratically, police said. For about 25 minutes, officers spoke with Kinnard, a detention officer with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office who had been on medical leave. Sheriff’s officials previously confirmed Kinnard was a detention officer assigned to Inmate Medical Services and had worked there for six years. Read more here: https://goo.gl/X1tCzq
Police body cam video #5 – Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, October 1, 2017 – The 2017 Las Vegas shooting occurred on the night of Sunday, October 1, 2017 when a gunman opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada, leaving 58 people dead and 851 injured. Between 10:05 and 10:15 p.m. PDT, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock of Mesquite, Nevada, fired more than 1,100 rounds from his suite on the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay hotel. About an hour after he fired his last shot into the crowd, he was found dead in his room from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. His motive remains unknown.
Media briefing is here: https://goo.gl/GCsdVg
Read more here: https://goo.gl/Rnfk3K
*** Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only ***
Shoot the Hostage much!?
Damn in front of propane tanks hahaa no goodidea
Wat wo Brazil one brazi
They should really invest in better mics.
Vegas. Some are panicking and looking for cover but others are walking around in the open asking "are those firecrackers?" Even after being told it's gunfire. Go figure…..
First cop was a dumb ass ? Wats that in your hand ,, ,just sweats
All of those people in Las Vegas were killed by a helicopter. There are numerous videos of the helicopter opening fire on the crowd. You are a propagandist if you say otherwise. The truth is that a helicopter did it and the other person was a millionaire and would not have wasted his life to kill people when he could’ve enjoyed his multi millions of dollars. Americans are stupid and they need to start looking for the truth instead of excepting the lies that are told to them.
4:05 ps4 Headset be like
Beautiful country, where every stupid fool can own a weapon and other stupid fools defend this right.
Criminals who get shot are less likely to re-offend.
Shoot the shit out of him, then slap him for shittin.
4:13… my little Brother when he gets shot in fortnite en need backup from his Friends.???
Mandale Bay, Was A INSIDE JOB!!! They are Shooting From The HeliCopter , you can Here the sound in the background, some Brainwashed people Think that was " Paddack" its was NOT, its was The goverment !!!
Kill The Fkn Terrorist (Cops) !
No one gonna comment on cops trigger finger
Why get involved in jenky Negro behavior in the first place?
“Guys, please don’t, guys please don’t, guys please don’t” sorry Maggie they just DID
Signal:No rp
last vid clip is the hoax fake shooting in Las Vegas…..obviously that is not automatic rifle fire.
Police Compilation just lost all credibility as a trusted honest chanl.
9:18 Is that a fucking Aussie putting in the work? Good on ya mate
GTA 6 definitely looks like a $60 game.
I get so sad when I watch videos from the Vegas shooting. Not as bad as when I watch the 9/11 documentary, but still extremely sad. That scumbag was a true coward. He wants to get his point across so he murders innocent people who just want to listen and sing alone with their favorite artist.
Regarding the clip of the dude who was in the back seat of the white car, I can't believe there were so many people who claimed that was a murder by cop and not a well deserved shooting. The dude literally pulled his gun and pointed it directly at the officers. They responded with their own guns. When he began to run, nobody knows where the gun is. They will not risk everyone else's lives by letting the dude run until they can see if he's still got the gun and willing to use it
Why is that woman not getting out the way so the policeman can shoot the sob
First video coos don’t even think of the propane tanks
The Las Vegas Bellagio Hotel shooting was absolutely positively 1000% MK Ultra monarch butterfly stay up to try as a last-ditch effort to take our Second Amendment rights take our guns away from us. Kill Hillary Clinton and put a bullet in her pussy cuz she eats thousands of children that scumbag b** her and Bill Clinton or the scummiest bastards on the earth a both need to get executed ASAP or let them rot in gitmo
1 like 1 live saved 11:30 las vegas massacre gunnman over 100 different weapons used by one man . . . killer on the 43 floor. 58 dead, 489 injured. mass shooting 1 like 1 live saved
All these idiots deserve to die.
guys please don't kill my bf who just pulled a gun out LMFAO
That girl getting paid
What happened in the 2nd one?!
Was the dog attacking him?!
The theme here: ghetto thugs behaving like 5 year olds.
>not showing the wounded criminals
Why are you even here? Seriously
Oh my god cut the seconds before the shoots we want see the shoots
HEY! I've got a GREAT idea! Let's all fire our handguns indiscriminately in a residential neighborhood!!
Hey! I've got a GREAT idea!! Let's fire multiple rounds at the guy standing in front of a cage filled with propane tanks!!
My ears has been raped
Let me see your hdehrhththrf hdhnrhnds