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Book Selling 101 Course https://rebrand.ly/bookselling101

My Amazon Store w/ Equipment I Use

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Bookselling Course

Below are some of the software/services and tools/equipment that I use and/or recommend for you to use. I wouldnt ever recommend something I didnt use myself first and know was good for you. If not explicitly stated otherwise, assume im being compensated in some way for sharing these links

Book Selling Course https://rebrand.ly/bookselling101
Eflip 21 day FREE trial http://bit.ly/2nXbrcU
ScoutIQ Scanning APP TRIAL http://bit.ly/scoutiqfreetrial
Amazon Listing Software http://bit.ly/ACCELERLIST
Accounting Tracking Spreadsheet http://bit.ly/accountingsheet
Merch by Amazon Software http://bit.ly/merchinformerpromo
Automate your Amazon Refunds http://bit.ly/fbarefunds
Payability Daily Amazon Payouts http://go.payability.com/Reezy
Ebates Cash Back http://bit.ly/reezyebates
Get $5 when you sign up for Raise! http://geta.raise.com/mrezendes
The Repricer I use http://bit.ly/bqoolfreetrial
Supplies I use
Amazon Supplies https://kit.co/reezyresells/amazon-seller-kit
Youtube Supplies https://kit.co/reezyresells/youtube-kit

Bluetooth Scanners https://rebrand.ly/scanner

Connect with me:
Website: http://reezyresells.com
Twitch Stream http://www.twitch.tv/reezyresells
Instagram: http://instagram.com/reezyresells
Facebook: http://bit.ly/reezyfbpage
Facebook Group http://bit.ly/reezygroup
Twitter: http://wwww.twitter.com/reezyresells
Email: ReezyResells@gmail.com
Checkout my 8TV Channel https://iam8.tv/iAm/ReezyResells

Fan Mail
PO Box 786
Aptos, CA

Disregard Keywords: instagram, how to grow, following, instagram stories, instagram video, tips, tricks, secrets,life hacks, hack, get more followers, instagram business,how to make money from instagram, algorithm, build your following, instagram growth, more followers, engagement, digital marketing, instagram marketing, reselling, reseller, thrifting, thrift, goodwill, salvation army, haul, video, amazon, amazon fba, private label, wholesale, reezyresells, garyvee, sell shoes, marshalls, ross, finds, picking, vintage, mercari, poshmark, goodwill outlet, goodwill bins, bins haul, resell, resale, shipment, merch by amazon, amazon merch, etsy, printful, print on demand, make money online, entrepreneur, personal brand, ebay, ebay haul, ebay tips, poshmark growth, seo

#amazonfba #makemoneyonline #thrifting

Please watch: “Retail Arbitrage for Amazon FBA | This feels like stealing”



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About the Author: Reezy Resells


  1. Reezy, I believe Tim Ferris was talking about 4 hours/week on.. not total work but total work on a single project.

    Either way it is a good read, especially the exact way to find your muse and make ?

  2. Disagree with the "thrill of the hunt" argument. Going through distributors catalogs, and finding stuff you cant flip on Amazon is also a "hunt". I think most resellers in general don't like Amazon because it's constant rules, and policy changes. Ebay is a way more relaxed environment. Amazon expects so much more from you for Amazon's customers/reputation.

  3. Yo Reezy, love watching your videos man. I basically quit my job to pursue this resell hustle. Like you said, I've been selling since I was a kid. I remember my roots back in the day when my father and I would sell at the swap meet. I was like 7 and my dad would fall asleep in the car to rest while I took over and would be screaming CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP!!! Best part was when the took a nap, I would jack up the prices and this cute lil kid made bank hahahah. Enough to buy me Icees and corn dogs.

    Much love Reezy.

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