Nobody Can Explain These Events – Unexplained Events Happening 2019
There are many conspiracy theories in 2019 in regards to what´s happening in our world today. Climate change seems to be an obvious problem, however, it does a major concern to politicians such as President Donald Trump.
.Many scientists have speculated on the latest news about global warming and the unexplained events happening in our climate nowadays.
This is a compilation of current events and caught on camera most shocking ever seen moments.
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Nobody Can Explain These Events – Unexplained Events Happening 2019!
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Yes they can, they just don't want to. Our world reps (all the people with real power) know exactly why this is all happening. They have also known when this would escalate each time it did more or less. They now have a deadline for the point when our species is done. I mean gone period end of story They know how to avoid that and they know exactly what the limit is. A full-scale extinction is called Armageddon. To full scale, extinct a species to the point they won't even have another life ever is a step higher And that step higher is what we are marching toward. There is 2 steps above that but it involves completely different and separate iterations of humanity in different universes and "they are not responsible for your species actions". Then again they are to blame of course they would know. Humanity's Reps made a contract around 200ish years ago.
That contract is why no aliens have really bothered us thus far. That contract is why we can pretend spirits and gods don't exist when it was in the past a fact of life. They were involved before that a lot of our recorded history speaks of them as a fact of life, and for good reason, they are. That contract is why in over a million years of human history we managed to only explore 70% of our worlds land masses and chart 10% of The Ocean's surface, Now we have all that charted. That contract is why in that same history of over a million years the extent of what humans could create is sailing ships and muskets, yet in the past 200 or so years at our previous recorded rate of advancement, we manage billions of years worth of that same advancement.
Over a million years of human history we only explore roughly 20% of our world's total surface and have sailing ships and muskets? 200 years of human history 100% is explored and we are talking about the possibility of mars Settlements? Not natural growth? Yeah.
Humans Worlds Reps have been brushing aliens under the rug since before we went into space. Now they announce them officially a few months ago without warning Then 3 months later things escalate, and aliens are involved? Seems legit.
That being said the aliens are just one of the problems we made for our selves. Our world's Reps have had dealings with all kinds of "fairy tales" now all those "fairy tales" want to kill us. However, I prefer to call them myths because myths are always based on a grain of truth. They picked a fight they can't win. They picked the fight both in the process of trying to get out of doing work they both agreed to and already accepted payment for. They picked a fight by Betraying the group that lifted us up in the most ridiculous of manners after enjoying the benefits for over 200 years. There was a Contract made with things from over the river stix Spirits, Gods, Demigods, One group in particular. It was not Christian god's group but it was one of his group's allies.
The deal was very very favorable to humans but the World's Reps didn't want to acknowledge it so they could avoid making people aware that they had an unfair advantage that is external to our species. It also lets them stroke their Egos when they can claim they actually invented things when all they really did is figure out how to use things given to them. If they had to admit nearly none of our inventions over the past 200 years were ours it would clearly not allow them to Ego stroke and feel important.
Protection from external threats for more or less what amounted to daycare work. "Inventions" and not caring who took credit to fund the daycare work. Allowing humans to have an 80/20 split in humans favor for, those "inventions" because given enough time these things knew a 20% split would build a lot And these things have nearly limitless time. There were a number of other things I am not aware of in the contract But those were the main points.
Then these things came to collect and expected humans to do what they agreed to. The humans spent nearly 30 years trying to not only avoid work but sabotage it. Decided they would just keep the 20% cut that was not theirs. After all that they thought they could just lie hard enough to get out of it. These things don't deceive, They don't steal, They favor the other party in trades, they will not lie, they do not break agreements, or betray. They expect the same courtesy. Humans failed on all counts and not because of mistakes. A mistake infers the actions were not on purpose The actions of humans were with intent.
The biggest thing is with these things lies don't work. Due to the way the human brain works they can know what you are thinking around a second before you know. That being said they know exactly when you know too. If something is thought, If something is said, If something is documented, If something is made, If something is done, they know. They are not all-knowing or all-powerful or all present by their own admission. however, if you judge them by human standards from this universe they are damn close to it on all counts.
We have a bit longer to avoid the final Escalation and the end of things by means of Aliens that more or less all hate us, and Spirits that all hate us too, stepping on us in painful fashion. But that time is very near, To avoid it would require our world's Reps to take responsibility for their actions and fix them. However, I for one think death is far more likely. Expecting our world's Reps to pull their heads out of their asses and stop sniffing their own farts long enough to do actual work? They haven't done that in over 200 years. I think it is unlikely. I for one am honestly Content no matter the result. As for the state of things and what lead us here, I just don't care. They did the stupid, So we are here. I have no hate for them, a distaste sure hate no. I think they can make whatever choice they want that being said they will suffer the consequences or lack thereof, of whatever choice they make then again so do all of us. Just a natural state of being, Cause and effect plain and simple.
I will know if we are locked in for death by midnight on the 30th the moment it becomes the first of December. As for the rest of you if you are still alive come new years and in a state, you can throw a new year's party, know that at least for the time being they started doing what they need to do to avoid death so to some extent rest assured I guess. That being said even if they do that it might not matter because to make that stick they need to stick to doing things correctly until the end of this. If they don't we will just die a bit later in just as awful fashion. We are now public enemy number one, after all.
I mean the fact that the story of the Pied Piper was so memorable that we still use the saying it sparked today, and it happened in like the early 1800s. I thought that might have them remember breaking agreements with these kinds of things just makes it worse. That being said Rattenfinger wasn't with this group and was a noncombatant so I guess they thought it might work this time with bigger things? That being said I think they just forgot. It is like if everyone is saying remember the alamo or never forget 9/11over 200 years later yet no one actually remembers them.
Well, I guess it is time to pay the piper?
Welp best of luck guys, and if things go poorly I might see one of you at the end of the world assuming I am still alive at that point.
What is it they keep saying? I am paraphrasing a bit but "If this universe's humans want to see their own worst enemy all they need do is look in a mirror, they shall see their greatest foe staring back at them. Ask not for whom the bell tolls it tolls for thee. Ask not for why the bell rings you ring it with your hands alone. Ask not for why the reaper is at your door he is waiting for the bell's final toll. The abyss you tread toward now is bottomless, and those shepherds that lead you, as sheep to the slaughter, due to not but their own avarice and vanity, will fall the hardest upon the final fall." Something like that.
Have a good thanksgiving, in the worst case, it may be our last.
I recommend it is the end of the world as we know it by rem. it is very fitting at present. https://youtu.be/8OyBtMPqpNY Enjoy.