Rescue Paralyzed Puppy Was Broken Spinal & Amazing Transformation (Dory’s Adventure)
Subscribe to STRAY PAWS Channel: https://bit.ly/2mtRpL7
A little puppy had a mental illness and was paralyzed
Puppy was abandoned in a deserted house
Little puppy could not walk and was screaming in pain
Baby is convulsing each time
Baby is panicking but he’s trying to find life
I named Baby Osuma
Osuma is very strong
After taking X-rays and Mri, the doctors said: Osuma’s nerve was seriously damaged
The spine is broken and it takes a long time to treat
Today, Osuma began to snack
Osuma got better, but still very weak
We are patient treated
After 4 months, Osuma recovered
Osuma was a lot bigger
We look at him so sweet and happy
God bless Osuma!
Courtesy: Corazon con Huellas Panamá
More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Help more Animal click here: https://bit.ly/2V6WWre
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. please contact my email: nguyenthithiqnu@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
#straypaws, #dogrescue, #rescuedog
You’re the ones with mental illness
It’s like you like watching these poor animals in distress is funny!
You people are very cruel you think videoing the dogs when you first see them is ok. Get in there and help them immediately!
Secondo me ha una forma di epilessia e va curata
Osuma you went through so much pain and frustration, what a strong puppy you are! I am glad you are getting better. May you have a beautiful life and find your forever family xxx
Thank God blessings the puppy !
The Lord bless you and protect you always !
Love you guys
Semoga sehat ya dogi….untuk yang sudah merawatnya terimakasih
You guys have such big hearts. I rescue dogs on my page as well.
Love is the answer.
What a fighter! Special respect for this honey.
That's not mental illness, it's brain damage or epilepsy.
Why the hell u are making him walk…it's hurting him….
Dios grade porque no lo operan?! Que pasa?? No Hospital?
Bonita gente
? the Love is the best medicine.❤️
OMG!!! 1st thing is WHY would U A-HOLES make that poor puppy walk when U Losers KNEW he couldn't walk…. F U A- HOLES your rescues R some of the WORST i have ever seen… Did U Losers make him walk all the way to the Vets????
Ihr macht einen super Job!Vielen lieben Dank!Es ist einfach schön zu sehen,was Osuma für Fortschritte gemacht hat!Einfach toll!Tausendmal DANKE an euch alle!!!!!??
God bless u little cutie pie now u r in safe hands Thankyou for saving animals ?
Wtf ! Making a puppy crying in agony come to you? Thus cruel just pick the poor baby up. How the hell do you know hes mentally I'll?
However,I'm glad your trying to save him so thank you for that
Essa ONG é maravilhosa, trabalho explendido, muito obrigado por cuidarem tão bem desses inocentes. Amo vocês.
Thank you ??????❤️❤️❤️???