Watch live analysis from The Washington Post as the House Judiciary Committee holds its first hearing on the Trump impeachment inquiry. Four legal scholars, three selected by Democrats and one chosen by Republicans, will testify beginning at 10 a.m. Eastern. The Post’s Libby Casey will be joined by reporters Amber Phillips, Shane Harris and Rhonda Colvin.
All four constitutional scholars testifying are law professors. Harvard Law School professor Noah Feldman, Stanford University professor Pamela S. Karlan and University of North Carolina law professor Michael Gerhardt were chosen by Democrats. George Washington University Professor Jonathan Turley, was selected by Republicans. Read more: https://wapo.st/33N17Il. Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube: https://wapo.st/2QOdcqK
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6:54:36 no exposing Biden’s corruption would have been a favor to the whole country.
The Highlight part @ 6:55:45
Snorefest, I can watch alot of boring political stuff but this was so bad I cant watch it all. It's way too ugly, it's way too much. The bias is so strong everything they say is ultra cringeworthy, the OMB is such a mortal wound to the process, it's now impossible to rectify. Democrats cant be happy with this. It looks like a parade of Trump Haters getting 5 minutes of fame to participate in helping impeach Trump, I'm sure many are begging to be involved, these Witnesses won the Lottery to help impeach Trump, and they are not even trying to hide that fact, not Mr Turley but everyone else. This will live in the Democrats history forever. These people want to be a part of history against Trump and bash on him for impeachment. What they dont realize is that their reputations historically will be scrutinized forever more than any other impeachment because the internet will preserve every second and deep dive analysis on them and their testimony will be seen with 2020 looking back even 10 yrs from now. This will go down as how not to do an impeachment ever. Even if he were guilty this process would make any impeachment invalid he would win because the process was so unfair. Bad day for the Democrats, this is only for use in the 2020 election, when Dem candidates bring this impeachment up it will be obvious that they are using their impeachment to win the 2020 election, "He was impeached " all that talk should make it obvious they the Democrats dont deserve to win in 2020.
Thicc at 2:43
Thicc at 13:03
Thicc at 13:27
Time to get rid of all democrats!
Lets form together as a people of the United States and take this country back!
3:20 "some states are more important based on the electoral college maths", that says it all doesn't it, everything else aside, America is very proud of its voting system but the whole thing is built so it can be manipulated by the college how they want the outcomes to go. It has next to nothing to do with the popular vote. In other words, you don't get to choose your president. After the two-party system has dictated to you via their nomination process which two people will be in the running and after people have cast their vote, a bunch of virtually invisible electors cast their votes and choose the president for you. On top of that you have super delegates who have more power than others when voting for the nominees so with the electoral college and the super delegates together the voting system is a mirage wrapped in an election.
I think its funny how they keep saying Trump won the election and Dems are trying to steal it…..Kinda like what happened in Florida to Gore under Jeb Bush's watch in favor of George W…. Whatever they try to say in order to throw dirt on the Impeachment process, this is simply not the case. Its about the fact that he doesn't know how to do this job properly and continuously abuses the office of the President while pleading on his own bases ignorance, and lying to the American people…..Many of his closest associates (who helped him get into office) are all in jail, and he continuously threatens Republicans in his own party (especially in the Senate) to the point where they are scared to oppose him openly….Many of the promises he has made to his voters such as the the truckers, and to the farmers haven't come to fruition. This experiment hasn't worked out well for poor Trump… I appreciate the fight. Just do it fairly and release all the documents and let everyone who is involved in all this testify to congress and to the people of the country REALLY SEE WHAT GULIANI, NUNES, POMPEO, MULVANEY AND LEV PARNAS amongst others were really up too! Stop OBSTRUCTING and lets see how PERFECT the situation REALLY IS!!! They keep saying the Mueller investigation flopped….So that somehow makes it invisible and non existent? False, it was the beginning of a long line of offenses he has committed in order to propel himself to the most powerful position in the world. And that will be his tragic flaw.
Republicans are in such denial!
Professor Turley simply brilliant in his clear reasoning. Also his anger and desperation free statements made him absolutely credible as opposed to the other three biased experts.
Leftist law professors are just as steeped in cognitive dissonance as the bulk of the sheep on the left! That, or they are blatant liars! So far, Jonathan Turley's testimony is the only one I've heard that is well reasoned, rational, logical, and sane.
The left has simply lost its collective mind
Someone Please put Duct tape over Pamela's mouth!! Yak Yak Yak Uuugh The JackAss is the Perfect Symbol for the Democrat Party!!
Why democrats hate chinese and russian people? Why are they such rasist warmongers?
Gaetz crushed it!!! 6:55:45 The only thing he left out is that perhaps THE MOST IMPORTANT witness, President Zelensky, has been more than clear on multiple occasions that he never felt any pressure and does not understand why quid pro quo is even a discussion!!!
Law Professors lol. A bunch of angry communists.
That Evil Pamela woman is Crazy!!! She sounds like she escaped from an Insane Asylum!! She Flew Straight Out of A Coo Coo's Nest!! She sounds mean,hateful and wicked!!
God Bless our Amazing President Donald J. Trump!!❤? President Trump 2020!!❤???????????????
Pure Evil Wicked DemonRat Democrats!! Lie,Cheat,Greed,Steal,abuse of power, spy, corrupt, Fake dossier, Fake & bias MSM, I hope They LOSE the HOUSE come 2020 over these Pathetic false impeachment hearings,its nothing but a bunch of Boring BS and feelings from Trump haters who are Dumb as a bag of rocks!!
We need to be thinking why didn’t Obama investigate the corruption in Ukraine when he was president. O prolly cause Biden was 2 timing.
All Jews involved. You SJW losers can thank Jews for this. You're welcome.
the only thing for certain, beside pelosi's vacant cranium is the FACT the demonrats have no facts with which to impeach.
If so they wouldn't be boring us with distractions from snooty quasi intellectuals.
If they truly were concerned with national security they'd be investigating the clinton and the biden crime families.
It's apparent and OBVIOUS both sides of the isle are equally corrupt trying to maintain the swamp. Repubs should be raising hell and carrying out their own investigations in to biden and clinton .
Nadler lied in front of congress by "swearing the professors in" and calling it testimony. They were giving subjective interpretations and opinions. Why is it the only professor who actually knew the articles was Prof. Turley? Why were the three other professors so amped up and opinionated?
When you have to gerrymander districts in order to hold power it means that you can not win using ideas. I give you Representatives: Collins, Gohmert, Jordan and Gaetz as exhibit A.
I've got news for the Republicans…….these proceedings are going according to the rules set up by John Boehner…..one of their own. Imagine how the Republicans are going to howl when the Democrats learn how to gerrymander the districts as successfully as the Republicans have done under Tom Delay…..another one of their own.
Damn…..every time someone is getting ready to speak another one of the Republicans has to interrupt on some lame point of order or to ask if they can be excused to go to the bathroom. This is getting absolutely ridiculous. Even if Mr Nadler were to stop the entire proceeding for four days and let the Republicans have to floor to ask their questions, make note of their points of order or burp they would still come back and interrupt each witness while they are giving their testimony or their point of view on Constitutional law. The Republicans are all being a bunch of pricks and are making no valid points other than trying to be a bunch of pricks.
lol Collins said Trump told the truth and was keeping his promises, yeah like not cutting SS and Medicare.
Who are these idiots think they are ? We the people deside who we want and it's not a crooked demoshit. TRUMP 2020
The go to man for congress, Prof. Turley, showed us all what a circus this really is.
Isnt it funny how schiff keeps saying its indisputable fact that trump forced Ukraine to interfere with the 2020 election. Even though every witness says that didnt happen or wasnt on the call or has never talked to trump or got all their info they are testifying from the previous witness.
Blah blah blah from the 3 scholars, Turley was great! Trump haters gotta hate but at the end of the day PROVE IT!!!!!!!
What did they witness, nothing they aren't even IN GOVERNMENT, why the hell are they there?
Collins tries to make the fake argument that Trump withheld the aid because he was "concerned about corruption." He neglects to mention that Ukraine had already been "Certified" (something required by law to deliver aid) by the DOD in May 2019 as to taking "substantial actions to make defense institutional reforms for the purposes of decreasing corruption [and] increasing accountability." So if Trump was still concerned with Ukraine's "corruption" (a word he never mentioned in any of his correspondence with Ukraine), then why not check with the DOD who issued the green light for the release of the bi-partisan military support? Also, If Trump REALLY was so concerned about "corruption" in Ukraine WHY THE HELL WOULD HE PUT A "SO-CALLED "CORRUPT GOVERNMENT" IN CHARGE OF INVESTIGATING AN (innocent until proven guilty) AMERICAN CITIZEN WHO HAS NOT BEEN ACCUSED OF COMMITTING ANY CRIME?
#1) If he was concerned with suspected illegal activity it should have been reported to the FBI/CIA to investigate. (not by the president or his private lawyer to get a "so-called corrupt country" to announce a faux investigation as "a favor" to get military aid.)
#2) Trump wanted it announced at a microphone (per Sondland he did not care if it was actually investigated). Law enforcement does not announce the investigation of a private citizen in public until they have a case they intend to prosecute (& even then they usually keep it private for as long as possible so as not to tip off the target.) Trump only wanted to bribe Ukraine into making his opponent look guilty in the press. It worked when Comey was forced to announce HRC, despite there being nothing chargeable. Trump's a one-trick-pony who knows he can't win without cheating.
Ok turley then explain how withholding 400mil until they comply with trumps wishes isn’t bribery. Cuz he is bribing them with money to do what he wants
I’m just going to leave this right here. The words of one Johnathan Turkey GWU Law School In 1998 as to why we should impeach a sitting president
“Allegations of criminal acts in office by a president are perhaps the greatest threat to the perceived legitimacy of a government,” Professor Turley wrote back in 1998. “When there is compelling evidence of criminal acts in the Chief Executive, an entire system of laws is undermined and demands some form corrective action.”
Turley, in a statement written November 9, 1998, declared that impeaching President Bill Clinton was necessary to literally protect the “existence of the government,” and to prevent “contempt for law” and “anarchy
The Republicans are acting like a wrecking crew, constantly trying to disrupt. Screw the sycophants.
At about 1:54 Prof. Karlan goes on about protections against officials trying to rig the election, but literally left out the DNC rigging the election to tank Sanders. Wow.
I'll have to admit, Mr Collins knows how to blow smoke. No Republicans yet have attacked the facts, they have only attacked the procedure. If the Republicans are successful in defending Trump they alone will be responsible for the damage that Trump will bring to the country.
Americans are so convinced that America is the best and most powerful country and also Russia is always the enemy. These are your problems America. There's only men and women in this world. America come down from your high horse, have some humility and maybe you wont have problems like Trump in the future,
bye bye corrupt leader , i hope they jail you
how did stupid collins get to sit here
the ambition of jonathan turley is just so obvious agreeing with the criminal trump
Pam Karlan ???
Republicans will pay at the polls
Keep apologizing!
Why this is a big problem for the Americans. The USA does the same thing in every country and elections in America. It's a joke. MORATO MORE AND BETTER