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Hi guys! i'm Samael! (This is my middle name xD) hahahahaha
that was so cool!
Im glad reaves is gone..
3:36 Russian sanjok rampage
Power of Vodka
Is Samael a TWOT reference?
Rent is where its from
He clicked because you saw him use the bottle afterwards
https://translate.google.ro/?ie=UTF-8&hl=en&client=tw-ob#auto/sk/samael and press the listen button, something like that it's pronounced and he is an important archangel in Talmudic and post-Talmudic lore, a figure who is accuser, seducer and destroyer, and has been regarded as both good and evil. It is said that he was the guardian angel of Esau and a patron of the Roman empire.
And Void was like No Me!!
I guess, the song Reaves was talking about is Judas Priest — one shot at glory
2:35 would probably make a pretty good sad story.
Broodmother realizes one of her children has a terrible disease that kills anybody who stands close to the infected, but she never leaves her daughter's side, even after the disease kills her brother and sisters. The mother dies too.
Are you sure Sniper's one was Manta? I think he has bottled illusion and he used the bottle to heal after receive some damage…
haha stupid magnus 1:02
wow i can't believe they make dota 2 fails! IT SURE IS A FAILURE HAHAAHAHAH!!
lol i laugh so hard when reaves sing at the sniper clip.. it so majestic
I killed riki and bounty,i didn't notice they were there i healed myself, because I am omniknight
3:07 Just look at Clockwerk. LOL!
I drank Sunny D. It was fun
Show clip fasttttt
Reaves you are amazing
oh man reaves' gay voice was spot on
Ylviz? Jon Eageland xD?
Sniper screwed himself by activating his bottle. U can tell because he then goes on to use it a split second later which shows he had double clicked the hot key. Also it would have made sense as he was trying to bottle up to avoid death.