I grabbed the camera and thought I would just record some strange sounds but the paranormal event with the ghost girl took on a different occurrence. In the video you will see a paranormal dark figure standing on the steps. Who is the figure and what are the sounds? I have been doing some research and the diary has given me a clue in the right direction. I think I am starting to understand this goes a lot deeper than what I thought and its very scary.
its coming from satan though um its notsonic is it sonic attack?
u need ask Jesus in your heart and anoint the house cse there is a hell n satan has dominion over this earth though if u have Jesus in yr heart you have authority over it
Know somebody needs to call 911 On this guy Like right now this guy is going crazy?
Nice big house ..probably plenty of money..? enough money to afford the best cocaine in town.. panicking heavy heart beating clearly this guy is high..
Waving the camera about faking frantic breathing …cut the bullshit .
You're a terrible actor
He should be used to it by now
Who just runs downstairs with a camera saying what are those noises I hearing
What's that? You guys see it .. it was a piece of shit video what it was! Lol
hears random minecraft cave train noise Hauls ass out the house.
Not only did he sound like a sissy , but it's clearly fake .
So he took 2 losses .
Did yall see the shadow on the stairs?!?! Then we he went back around it was gone.
He's getting anal raped by a gay ghost
Oh shiiiiit
If i was u i would have some you know ??
I see you're still making these videos. Nice it's been years since I saw a video of yours
Good lord, this is not good acting.
Congratulations ??? You win the dumbest video ever award?
I know how that guy feels… I remember when I was hunted by a kitten. It was scary when it was little, then it grew into a big cat. Which now hunts me.
He sounds more creepy than what he is trying to show us
Paranormal Cracktivities!
Awful acting
Disembodied Nephilim