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изи эрроу
Gold rain for the sexy doctor xD
did anyone else see the ghost ship at 2:50. It never stopped
Меня одного раздражают те 2 пидора, которые комментируют все это? Такие типичные зарубежные задротики, которые при проигрыше начинают ныть и просить зарепортить тиммейтов, после чего ливают.
song ???
their microphones are bad? You should hear russians …. echo and roaring loud as an airplane
only bad players have autoattack on . god i hat tehm players.
Axe is the best (Последняя тычка через всю карту, я видел все)
О чем думают люди, когда творят такую хрень!?
Most unlucky Storm Spirit lol.
u guys are awesome, should cast some games 😀
Dat mirana … OMG!
Ok I don't get it, how did Witch Doctor return to his fountain so fast? o-o
hello guys of Dotacinema i hope you read this, I want to give a small recommendation, you should put subtitles in Spanish because you have a large number who speak Spanish!
PD "I know youtube has the option to place the subtitles in Spanish, but the app really sucks"
RAY! : D
2:42 side fail, CM froze creep
This episode was really great and funnnnnnnnny!!!!!!!!! love it
We need more bloop bloop from Reaves! 😀
1st: noob Furion.
2nd: well, too soon to say that.
3rd: bad luck.
4th: i don't understand why they don't move when they see ulti of lich.
5th: well! noob team.
6th: noob storm. miss 2 time. I don't know why he can't go out that wall.
7th: why axe still move out when he back?
8th: :)) bad idea :))
9th: m(_ _)m noob miranna ever! why he can miss when butcher sleep? why he attack?
10th: well! GG wp! dire team play so good! a perfect combat.
Im new dota vid maker, check me if u want 🙂
gold rain – epic )))))))))))))
best episode ever, because reasons.
And where's episode 92?!!
3:43 Dat sick laugh hahaha!
How do I send videos ?? I have a funny fail
Guys! I've got a pretty cool fail clip that i accidentally submitted to top plays. I hope you'll see this comment, i'll post the info here just in case.
IGN: SacredFireFly
MAN we wnt black reaves back i mean the CK reaves XD
it's raining gold hallelujah
Подскажите как отправить видео в дота фейлы ???
Am i def?
fucking hate sunsfan as a caster, poor synderen 🙁
need Raining gold by reaves song download :v
last one is ghost shit
Pisses me off when i play io and i tp people back to base to heal them up and they just instantly run back to lane. What the fuck are you looking at that you cant see this fuck me.
thanks for sharing! funny !
Lmao, witch doctor x'D
Pls do a video about the its raining gold song