Song: Bulls of Poseidon (More Kicks Mix) by Dhruva Aliman http://www.dhruvaaliman.com/
Tim Nolan – The Master Of Balls
portes ouverts
Damien Walters Showreel 2009
Dutch Iceman Does Handstand
Nick Vujicic_ Joaca golf, face surfing si inoata, desi nu are
Russian-Bar Acrobatic
Nick Vujicic (Subtitulado en espa걯l)
The Best Krav Maga Trainer! – Roy Elghanayan _www.KravMagaLA.com_____310-650-0060
Wingsuit Base Jumping
Surf na Tsunami
Battle of the Year_Greatest Hits_Episode 1
For some of these, I seriously wonder how they find out they have these talents? What convinced them to try? Some I know you train and practice to gain the skill and/or work up to the more amazing and daring movements. But say, for the grabbing the pipe/beam above the trampoline…did he just try it one day or…what?
The guy at 5:04 he is seriously badass
These guys are unbeliveable, amazing skills
What I want to know, with all these people who are so excellent at different sports, why the hell haven't they been signed to the nations best teams? Can you imagine how epic the games would get?!
How did that guy run on water
Extra Awesome Version of – People Are Awesome – with More People!!!
these guys are extraordinary
The running on water bit is fake.
That Drifter at 8:12 is the BEST!!!
6:31 is fake he should beath should be vaporazing
7:04 WTF?!
Is the guy @the end the same person I remember seeing a long time ago give an inspirational speech about dealing with obstacles?
9:38 nick vujisic
Cheers 🙂
Appreciate it 🙂
Amazing and Awesome Video!!!
I subbed!
All the Best!
Nancy Tan
2:30 tsunami
Don't laught at hem I respect hem and he was born like that
4:00 is that even passable
4:00 – фейк
at the end that guy looks like CM PUNK form WW-E
Excellent framing and music!!!
Very Nice video
I want to be people
that slidge is whoop ass!
You know, you're live is awesome, when you see yourself in a "people are awesome" video haha 😀
well… cool or not, he looks like a sea otter
dude, that's just not cool!
the last one's just wrong.
the last guy have sooooo much heart… Mad props!!!
Damien Walter
I recently watched a guy on the tv. He lost his legs and arms due to some disease, which started off as a blood circulation problem of his hands and feet. This disease was caused, because he was riding his motorcycle in the winter. Slowly they cut off his arms and legs. He looked like this guys here. And yet he designed a car for himself, adapted it and he drives it. He also works 8 hours a day. There are many people out there with hands and legs, who don't do anything all day long. Respect!
BS on 3:55
I just had a broken leg and couldn't leave the sofa..
Ultimate respect !
the guy at the end was born with no arms a legs he goes around and talks at schools about it he is ure awesomeness
dude at the end looks like a sea otter
why was that squid wearing shorts?
That guy at 9:40 is the true definition of never give up!
The stuff that I edit entirely on my own is on my DhruvaAlimanMusic channel. I see you subbed to that, thanks. This channel is SeekerLand and only some of it is footage I edited. Sometimes I just put my songs on stuff just for fun. That's mostly what I use this channel for. But thanks much for your compliments and support 🙂 I'm uploading Man and Beast parts 13 and 14 tonight 🙂
I like your vids Dhruva. You seem to have a talent for composition of music, a flare for editing and the knack of content selection as well. I'm glad I found your channel. As I watch your vids I see some compilations that I've seen in other vids. But now I see that you are the source. Keep it up. Your content is gold 😉
2:00 how come dragonzord isnt comming out
in 2:41 is it a face in the wave 😀