When you’re sending it as hard as our friend Choppa, stuff like this happens. Thankful he’s still here and no one was in that passenger seat. Send him some good vibes to re-shell and get back out there soon! @chopshop07
Music by Lakey Inspired – https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired
Mountain Street Drifting – Near Death JZX100 Crash
Mountain Street Drifting – Lost A MINT JZX100
Mountain Street Drifting is NO JOKE
It should buff out!
man this video go all kinds of ppl hurt in the comments lol
I noticed you guys passed park ridge which is near where I live. Now I'm kinda interested where this spot actually is.
i’m starting to think maybe there wasn’t a ferry ?
Please stay in Australia
Morons. Should lock them all up. Adam included.
You do know you wont be allowed back in Australia now. You will be denied a visa if you ever try again.
if u hit my son or daughter n hurt her or him in anyway trust me your best of leaving the country bc not even in jail u will be safe n i grantee it 100% bud eh .. so really maste IS IT WORTH KILLING SOMEONE LIKE MY MOTHER WAS TAKEN OUT BY A YOUNG WOG IN SYDNEY AT THE YOUNG AGE OF 44 YEARS YOUNG .. WELL IS IT – Ps. were all just waiting now for him to be retested from parklee on the 6th of August next year … and thankx to the parole board who have guaranteed to let the family ( my farther ) no at least 1 week before he gets his parole – and you think its fun n games ya.. well wait n see when u kill someone n then after you do your few years in jail thats when the real fun for u will start trust me … f'n murderers
Beware of the Mexican Hoon Cartel
Damn that was a beautiful jzx100 … I’m still waiting 2021 so I can buy one here in the states.
Don't come back to Australia smh. No blurred plates or faces.
Hey adam guzmen y gomez sponsor my grandparents orphanage i hope you enjoyed there food
Aca had a field day with this one.
These Aussies are Loose Units!!
Saw something bout this on current affair. Why didn't you blur there faces and licence plates. God adam, ur dumb sometimes. Smh
What's the song called at the ending (16:05)?
Thank god he is okay but dude was that some sick drifting
11:12 listen
Dude we usually run with just parking lights in so we can see the cars coming the other way.
just so you know mountain drifting isnt a thing in aus they just did it to try and look cool infront of some two bit youtube star so sad
Who else is here from Vinwiki's latest video??
Billy big balls. Love ths Aussies man.
oh you adamLZed with his mexican cartel
Fucking dumb cunts
Such a dope ae86 trueno nouch back love it miss my old one
12:54 is a prime example of what can happen if you're out there drifting and having the time of your life with your car, not saying the guy can't drive or anything like that. But I'm just here to give you guys a little reminder even though things like this might hype you up. But if you're drifting on public roads, give it a second thought if you're unfamiliar with the course as well as keeping yourself to what you can handle.. And always keep yourself strapped in, because in the long run, things like these are unfortunately bound to happen sooner or later. Lucky the dude made it and didn't get himself too hurt. Cars can be replaced, lifes can not, remember that.
I want that trueno so bad
hahahaha its so funny to hear and see these small kids who tag allong with the big boys be all cocky and happy and shit and then whe they actualy start doing shit they get super scared. (adam being the little kid who was happy and excited and team kamakazi being the big boys)
It’s true u Americans really arnt that clever. Didn’t blur anything, pretty much handed the people over to the feds and still somehow managed to turn the crash situation into being about you ??♂️. That’s sad mate
Adam your on Aussie news my guy lol .. and they got your videos on YouTube for crimes … you should copy strike and take it down
I better
I wonder how does the engine still work
U made the local news?? https://youtu.be/G2rjvAsCCCg
Really should have blurred faces and plates…