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they should add a creep level up just like the hero,
i mean look at this single creep, its more useful than 3 people trolling on your team
isnt this happened in it3?XD
wait that was jeff creepy is the ranged creep
where episode 65?
That creep has more last hits in one life than I ever have in all my games of Dota 2. Now I'm sad.
When a creep is better than most real players.
kill a hero? destroy tower? kill 2 neutral creep? thats so amazing, i will promoted him to hero assisten
Wasn't his name Jeff??? OMG Neil XD
He got last hit by the same guy that had him start his epic journey on last hit mania. The irony to his death.
He is an inspiration
you will be remembered…
He died as he lived, a last hit.
Trymike4instance should edit this video.
Creepy the 7th prestige elite noscope creep
Best carry 2013 2014 and 2015 over fed af.
This is Jeff. Creepy is known for killing a Seraphic Courier.
I want that creep on my team. While I play dire, of course.
when he died i was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"
Last hitting master!!!
The music is not from WoW ?
They shouldve showed where he 1v1s Dire Ancient
All we need is for Dakota fanning to scream CREEPY when sb does the unthinkable
Its so funny when kunkka died. That creep is epic
I can't remember the video with Creepy the ranged creep that Reaves said in the previous episode can someone tell me where it is?
He had brave heart…
My new favorite hero-creepy xD
War, war never changes.
Why didn't he go back and obought some items?
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Ahahahh kunkka 1:23
Killed 2 neutrals, a hero, and a tower in one life. That creep is already better than most of the pub carries I've seen.