This is a re-edited and re-upload of my first video, A compilation of fans reactions to Glenn’s Death from the The Walking Dead’s season 6 episode 3 “Thank You”.
Thank you for watching.
This is a re-edited and re-upload of my first video, A compilation of fans reactions to Glenn’s Death from the The Walking Dead’s season 6 episode 3 “Thank You”.
Thank you for watching.
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Me watches the behind the scenes*
Random kid at school, plays this vid*
Everyone* no, ahhhh!!!
Me* oh their eating him ._.
We reemember you gleb
2019 hahaha those girls reaction is the best hahahaha
Jojo Weed.
Whaaat nom iam so sad ??
1:18, 3:18, 5:17
People who believed this are dumb AF. You don’t react like that while your insides are being ripped out ?
And that the zombies are eating Nicholas
Guys if you think that Glenn die he did because negan kill him who die was Nicholas because if you see more of the same one you will see Glenn is under of Nicholas and Glenn is alive
That screwed me up to watch. Then when he actually died it was so much sadder
4:35 that chick on the bottom left belongs in rocky horror picture show
5:22 at this point you see a little boy tryna be tough…
The girl on the bottom made me wanna punch her -.-
Someone is dying in the walking dead.
Everyone: i hate this show
"Surf the crowd, just do it"
does itzombies literally start ripping his guts outVerdad que te engañe..
0:35 "DO IT, JUST DO IT" lmfao
What ie the song in the end? Whats the remix
don't know if you know but in that part the dude who shot himself in the head landed on top of that dude so the dude wasn't getting eating he was just scared
When i saw episode 9 i wanted to slap the f out of amc
the girl at the bottom is annoying as fuck. like shut up
I’m fucking done im outta here
When glenn actually dies, thats how i went.
Not trying to be racist but black reactions are always the best
That made me freaking DIE, I was balling. So glad he stayed alive for a little more!
Nicolas shot himself in the head??????: he and Glenn fell off the dumpster, the herd fed on nicolas, ( silent death) Glenn screamed like he was been ripped apart, ( same experience as Noah's death) poor guy
how on earth did the fans not realize that Nicolas died, ( no exceptional communication)
I'll be honest I wish i'v never seen the walking dead cause it freakin sad man
We like Glenn more then any person on the show
05:36 Lmao the kid
Lol before skybound
I like how when the other guy does they’re like “ok cool” but as soon as he falls with Glenn they start to loose their shits
haha he dies later.
Why is it when they see this death then they don’t cry and they think he is dead. But when he gets his head bashed in people start to cry
The Walking Dead the series that makes any man cry